Saturday 12 March 2022




I just started a discussion with a friend and he immediately introduced the topic of the need to get money. The topic pleased me also and I enjoyed the gist till when we started the analyse what is happening in the world today, especially in this part of the world. Maybe when God said increase and multiply, he was talking about avenues to make money whether legitimate or not. I have come to understand that you cannot discuss with an average youth for about 10 minutes without discussing money and how to make it. Sincerely speaking, money is good but I must add, legitimate money is sweet. So, all these ways of making money, we should make effort to follow legitimate ways in other to enjoy sweet money.

In the afternoon yesterday, a new number called me, when I took the call, it was from a lady who has a sweet, romantic and polished English voice. She told me that she was calling from one poverty liberation company. That I was recommended to them that I am a wonderful, gentle, intelligent etc man. I quickly asked her, who told them that I am poor and in need to be liberated (in actual sense I am poor, if you have a legitimate means, biko, help a brother)? Continue Reading............

She quickly said, no, that they are just trying to enrich people that will in turn enrich others and with that, poverty will be conquered. Because of the sweet voice, well articulated English I decided to enjoy the gist though I knew I would not register anything. After the call, so many things came to my mind. This sweet voice would have been better used in another place that is legit. This polished English can as well get something better in this life than trying to dupe people. This particular girl that called me must have called so many other persons and will still call more persons. Some persons must fall in her trap and she will dupe them and will thank God for making her rich through duping people. No matter the type of grammar you blow in an illegitimate business, it will not make it right. No matter how much you thank God and how many persons you have duped, it is not a blessing from God. Do not cause others to suffer, look for a legitimate means of making money and we shall make our world better. If we continue this way, we will make it difficult for all of to know when someone is saying the truth and when someone is lying.

What is now trending in the social media is clips of ritual acts and boys and girls who are getting mad daily because of this crave for money. People are now comfortably bargaining with the devil provided they make the money, and even to the extent of making a video of it and sharing online. I have continually wondered how this people enjoy this money with so many conditions attached to making it. Some do not eat anything cooked by a woman or a man, some will never give birth, some will never finish a house or build a new one, some eat shits, some do not sleep, some do not go home, some do not eat what their wives cooked, some have sexual intercourse with mad people, some turn to homosexuals, some insest, some bestialism etc. Why should I make such a money. I comfortably eat the little I get with my worthy friends in joy and happiness. I better hustle and pray for God to show me the way than involving myself in any of these conditions given money. How can I go out to make money in order to make my mother proud and she will be demanded for a ritual sacrifice? How can I go to make money to make my wife the talk of the town and she will be demanded for a ritual sacrifice? How can I go to make money for all my relations to enjoy my money and they are being demanded for ritual sacrifice one after the other? How can I want the best for my children and I go for money making and one is demanded to be killed, the other imbecile, the other sickly just for ritual sacrifice? One thing we should know is that the devil will always demand for that person you want to make proud with your money. The devil cannot give you money and leave you to enjoy it in peace.

I call you my sweetheart, my darling, my bestie and what is going on in your mind is how to use me for ritual sacrifice to make money. Why this wickedness? What have I done to you to deserve this devilish act? What offense did I commit in loving you? A girl will be in love with a young suffering guy. Two of them will be making effort to see how they will make it in life. All of a sudden, the guy will become rich and the girl will go mad or will die. Where have our young men sold their consciences? Should girls stop loving us? This is really horrible. Even if you are not thinking of heaven and Hell, please think of the betrayal of the person that loves you. You know how painful it can be when you are betrayed, biko, have a rethink. 

Even girls are no longer left out, they use their guys for money rituals these days. Bikonu, ego dị mma mana nke akpara n’ aka ọcha kacha dị ụtọ. Let us reduce our love for money, our love for material things, our love for firm, our love for doings, our love for show off. Let us rekindle the love for human beings, the love for legitimate means of making money, the love of dignity of human person, the love of our lives, the love for our neighbours and especially those who love us, the love of God and more especially, the fear of God. When we do these, we will see that the little we get will be enough and we will enjoy it in peace and at last, heaven will be ours. Thanks and Happy Weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. It's obviously the world today ��
    One happened in my village Lejja to be precise. You see this young man had this craving for money and then he disappeared. And then after a while he came home shortly before Christmas with this car and Everything.

    He started enacting building and all that that.
    It didn't take long and he was visited by a mermaid, who asked her to return what he had took other wise he would pay with his life.

    You can now picture what happened.
    It's our daddy's and mummy's that encourage this. They don't ask questions,well at least some of them. But if they do. This won't continue hyping to this level.

    Daddy's and mummy's should pay close attention. This is where they come in if I may say.

    I rest my case��
