Saturday 19 March 2022




In my JS3 that was in 2009, one day, I visited my cousin brother. While going home, he told me that their first son bought him a new phone. He brought out the old one and asked me if I could use it. I gladly answered yes and collected the phone from him. I was really happy. I thanked him so much for the gift of the old Nokia Radio as it was called then. I quickly rushed home to show my people the gift that I got. When I reached home, I met my father and my elder sister. I told them about the phone. My elder sister who had no phone then was happier than myself and told me that I should know that it is our phone not mine. My father asked me again, Tobe, isu nee onye nuru gu phone (Tobe you said who gave you the phone)? I answered immediately, Ejike. My father asked me what I gave in return and I told him it was a free gift and he left without saying anything again. I was just rejoicing with my elder sister when my mother came back. I happily rushed her to break the news to her. After telling her, she asked me where my father was, I told her he was inside. She met him inside and after their discussion inside, she came out and told me. Tobe iji ewechi phonenu hu az mbe ishi wete, irue ogo phone nee anyi ji ama (Tobe, you will take that phone back to wherever you got it from, when you reach the level of having phone, we will know). Continue Reading.....

From that moment, my countenance changed likewise my elder sister. We could not understand that type of decision. I tried to ask why but she told me that they have decided that I would not use the phone. Being a stubborn child then, I told her that I would not take it back for any reason. She then told me that I should prepare to pack into that my new house and take care of myself, it was then that I understood that she was very serious. I grudgingly took the phone back that day and told my cousin brother what happened. We could not understand there decision and we hated them for that moment seeing them as enemies of progress. It was after four days that they called us together after night meal and explained everything to us. It was my father that did the explanation. He started this way:

Tobe nee Ndidi, listen very well. That we asked Tobe to take back the phone that Ejike gave him is not that we do not trust Ejike or you (Tobe) but many things are involved. How did his elder brother get the money to change his own phone and that of Ejike and you know phone is not a cheap commodity. Even if he bought it with his money, how do you think you will be maintaining the phone Tobe. You are a student, how do you think you will be recharging the phone, it may push you to stealing in order to maintain it. Do you not think it will also distract you academically? Many things are checked before taking a decision in life. We mean very well for you, when the time comes, you will use the best of phones in the world. I had never felt loved by my parents like I felt that day. I saw reasons with them and loved their decision. This write up is born out of comments from people on the last publication especially from Adanna. If time permits I will still elaborate other comments from other persons in my DM. Why this story?

These days, parents do not ask questions about gifts, wealth, friends that their children have. This contemporary parents are now only interested in collecting from the children without asking from where them come from and circumstances surrounding them. It is not enough to rejoice that your children have made it, ask again how did they make it? What are they doing that they amass too much wealth.

These days, parents are now pushing there children to go and make it no matter what it will take them. They do not care any longer the source of their children’s wealth, they are only interested in enjoying the money. Nsogbu dị. How can someone travel out of the village and in less than two years he will come back with much wealth and no one is asking question? I am not saying that someone cannot meet luck in life but too many mechanics have made it difficult for us to differentiate between them and mad people.

I have seen parents who were forcing their daughter to marry a certain man because he has money. The daughter tried everything on earth to explain to them that she does not love the man and that she does not even trust his source of wealth. The parents were like, do you want us to remain poor forever? Are you so heartless that this our condition is not touching you? Biko, save us from this poverty Ebere. We have suffered enough and this is an opportunity to save us from this. The girl was also like, do you consider my feelings at all? Do you consider my happiness at all? Do you know what this will turn out to be? Please let us pray for God to direct us well.

What I am just trying to say here is that parents should be asking necessary questions about the life and activities of life of their children and not only wait to eat. Most importantly, they should not be the ones to push their children to do anything in order to make money. Money can do many things but not everything. Money is good but sincerely made money is sweet as I wrote in part two of this series. I still repeat, money is good but genuine money is sweet.

Happy Weekend

1 comment:

  1. Well about this
    It's quite incredible that when it comes to money. Anything goes. I aspire to go to school, have wealth and live a peaceful private life as well. So myself I like good things

    When it comes to money we even sell our sense to acquire it
    Now. Normal person's will spend six years in primary
    Six in secondary school
    And at least 6 years in tertiary institution

    And someone will leave his home
    And sometimes the person is a halfbaked student and comes home with incredible wealth. Is that not incredible! In less than two years

    Our parents can make mistakes. Mum's will always want their children to also be among the happenings. It's left for us to mellow them down.
    Don't use them as an excuse. Gone are the days we say it's because of my parents. The question is what do you really want?

    And again remember that the bible said"what shall it profit a man to gain the entire world and lose his soul"
    And don't forget it also said "it will be very difficult for a rich man to gain heaven"
    Have you ever stopped and think "why?"

    Food for thought
    I'm her father's daughter Adanna ☺️
