Friday 18 March 2022



As they say a man without anyone to confide in is either an island or has psychological or emotional problem. And for you to grow and pass through some certain phases in life, there must be people you meet and they have roles and contributions to make in your life. Sometimes, they might make positive or negative contribution but be it as it may be, they are all contributing factors to our growth.

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two people or Is a distinctively personal relationship that is grounded in a concern on the part of each friend for the welfare of the other, for the others sake and that involves some degree of intimacy. Continue Reading..........

Friendship is something that is very essential and we as humans attach importance to it. But the main factor for having a long-lasting friendship is tolerance and not being sentimental.

tolerance is said to be the willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree or approve of them. And this is something we all as humans must have to ensure we have a long-lasting friendship or relationship because we as humans have characters that are awful and annoying and if we should start looking at each other’s flaws and being sentimental, am not sure that we are going to have a long-lasting relationship. Being sentimental is you have about something or an opinion you have about something or and opinion on something, feeling or behavior even when its necessary or not. And with that, you will start finding fault unnecessarily even when its not needed. And when these behavior starts coming up, that is when issues will begin to rise between the two parties.

Haven defined what friendship and tolerance is, here are things we should avoid to keep a long-lasting relationship with each other.

MALICE: if we can as well as possible avoid keeping malice with each other and always open up when we feel hurt, there will be no avenue for quarrel and fight.

 MIS-UNDERSTANDING: in every relationship, there should be an avenue created for understanding. For if there is no understanding, then there would be quarrels and disagreement and we also give room for enemies to come into what ever we have with each other.

LACK OF TOLERANCE: because we all came from different places, homes, different home training, understanding beliefs and attitudes. We should create avenue for tolerance. in as much as to some extent, we might be with people with unbelievable behaviors, with tolerance we can be able to learn them, their weaknesses and how to leave with them.

SELFISHNESS: selfishness is another thing we must try to avoid in our dealings with each other.

We must always learn to think of the good of others too and carry them along in any way you can. And with this, your deeds can never be forgotten and your partner will always be proud and appreciative whenever they are with you.

BEEIGING SENTIMENTAL: like I said earlier on, being sentimental is another thing we must avoid. We must learn to over look things and do things for each other because it’s the right thing to do not minding the given situation. Once we remove sentiment from our dealings with human beings, there will be no room for disagreement instead we create room for a healthy relationship.

LACK OF TRUST: lack of trust is one thing we should avoid in our dealings with each other. Because when there is no trust, there will be problem and you will find out that issues will always rising and it will also pave way insecurities. We should try as much as possible to create avenue to learn to trust each other so as to foster peace with each other.

With these points laid down, another thing we should do is to always move for peace and avoid another party coming in most especially when we have issues with each other. Let us learn to be open to each other and apologize whenever we are told that we hurt each other so that we don’t give room for grudges and fights.

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