First reading
Second Reading
1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20
Luke 6:17, 20-26
Let me start with a story that I
heard somewhere. Three young men who were business men but were not all that
wonderful in their businesses. They had been prayerful as the story went but
things were not working as they expected. They met a man whom they thought was
doing very well to help them. The man recommended a devotion to our Lady for
them. They went home not satisfied for that was not what they expected. They
met another man who took them to a native doctor. The native doctor agreed to
help them but he gave them a condition. The condition was that they will be
turned into vultures for two weeks and after that, they will be turned back to
human beings and money will be theirs. Out of curiosity, they accepted. The man
turned them into vultures and asked the man who took them there to go and come
back after two weeks to go with them. After one week, when the native doctor
was on his way to attend to someone, he had accident and died. When the time to
turn them back reached, they flew back to the shrine to be turned, on reaching
there, they could not see the man. When the person that took them to the place
came back, he could only find those vultures and no native doctor. When he went
out to ask people about the man, they told him that he is dead. That was when
he knew that those three are gone. Continue Reading..........................