Thursday 21 March 2019

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. By Tobe Eze

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.

First Reading
Isaiah 62:1-5
Second Reading
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
John 2:1-11
There are many ways we may have suffered in this life that we have doubted the power of God. Some ask questions like; Does God exist at all? Some, is he still alive? Does he care about us? And so many other questions like this one. People who ask these questions are not all that wrong but they are still wrong for it shows how little their faith in God is. Even if we have lost faith in God, today’s reading are consolations to us. They are to encourage us, to still have faith in God. Continue Reading.............

In the first reading, through the prophet Isaiah, God has promised us that he has remembered us in all our sufferings. Some of us have suffered for years of a particular problem, the Lord has remembered us today. That God has remembered us does not mean we are not going to see any challenge again in life.
The second reading is explaining to us the type and how the visit of the Lord is. We all have different gifts from God. These gifts are different ways he has visited us. These gifts are for our common good. Where two or more gather in my name, I am there with them (Matthew 20:18). If we combine these gifts, we will see God manifest openly to us.

The gospel is a manifestation of that visit, again, what is required of us to actualize these gifts and visit. “Whatever he asks you to do, do it”. When the trouble of wine came at the wedding of Cana, he came for rescue through his mother but he demanded something from them, to fetch water.
A woman that I know too well was barren for years after marriage. She prayed to God for years. She has gone to almost every adoration ground within the country looking for a child not even children. She has met every priest that is known for doing adoration or known for miracles but all to no avail. She has gone to hill and valleys but no good result. There parish was elevated to the status of Parish in 2016. In that same year, the new parish was buying many things through people’s help. The parish priest asked for someone who will buy the parish a monstrance worth ₦200,000. The poor woman stood up and went to pledge for it. People were saying, where can she get that amount? In three days’ time, she took the money to the parish priest who went and bought the monstrance. The day it was presented in the church, the parish priest prayed and blessed her on behalf of the family. That same 2016, she got pregnant and gave birth to a charming girl. After that one, she got pregnant again and gave birth to a very handsome son. Right now she has two children, a girl and a boy.

This story does not mean that you must give something physically to God before he works miracle for us but it also helps. If we approach Jesus through our Mother Mary and obey her and her son, the visit of God in our lives will manifest so much in us. He has been manifesting his glory to us, let us like his apostles believe in him. Many have told their stories of his manifestation in their lives and we have our different stories of our own. We have to appreciate his presence for he has visited us. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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