Thursday 7 March 2019

Solemnity of The Epiphany of the Lord Year C. By Tobe Eze

Solemnity of The Epiphany of the Lord Year C.

Isaiah 60:1—6
Ephesians 3:2—3a, 5—6
Matthew 2:1—12
What type of thing attract people to us? Money, speech, behaviours, shape of the body, colour of the skin, height and so on? All these are not in themselves evils but there are ways they will manifest themselves and they turn to be evil.
The three readings are talking about the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ as we celebrate it today. This solemnity does not mean that it is only today that Christ has manifested himself to us rather, it is to bring to our notice what happens to us daily and how we should approach it.
Following Christ is a journey of faith for sometimes we may not know where we are going but with faith, we say that our Master knows the way. Talking from the old, Abraham the father of faith made a journey of faith when he left his father’s house, going to the place the Lord will show him which he didn’t know (Genesis 11:31-12:9), but by faith he made the journey. Still on Abraham, he made a statement he didn’t also know on the way to sacrifice his son Isaac “the Lord will provide (Genesis 22:8)”. And latter the Lord provided. All the apostles and disciples of our Lord followed him without knowing where they were going. He was just calling them and asking them to follow him and they were leaving everything behind and were following him. When he wanted to enter Jerusalem, he sent two out to go and get him a donkey  unclear message but with faith, they went without complaining or fear and everything went well for them (Matthew 12:21). Likewise the two that prepared the upper room for the last supper (Luke 22:12). Continue Reading....................

Today again, the Three Wise men from the east made the same journey. They saw a start of the new born King and they started a mission to unknown destination. Probably they were not the only people that saw the start but they were those who had the courage to embark on the journey of faith. A journey of faith is not an easy one. Many things are required. And they are, (there are still more):
1.       We must rise up like the Magi to follow the star of the Lord which comes out to lead us on our way to Salvation even when we do not know where it is taking us to
2.       We may travel very far in the journey. It is not a journey of a day or a year, it is a lifetime encounter. When we try to do this good and we see ourselves doing bad or when we try to stop bad habit and we see ourselves going back to it, don’t worry, continue the journey. Remember it happened also to St. Paul. (Romans 7:15-20).
3.       We cannot meet the Lord empty handed. The Magi did not meet him empty handed, they gave him gifts (Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh). Your own Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh may be your money, talent, time, energy and so on.
4.       You may see some obstacles on the way, listen to the Lord on how to handle them so that you act wisely like the Magi. They met Herod when they were going and did not go back to him when going back because they listened to the voice of God.
5.       You may get confused along the line, ask people for directions. Do not judge the person by his/her actions much rather by his office. Herod was a wicked man but he was the one that the Magi asked for the place where the child was. Do not judge your priests by their actions but their functions or office as priests.
These and some other things are what we are to do and our stars will shine out with that of our Lord who is revealed today as king. We are kings through our Baptism, so our stars should shine and lead people to the King of Kings. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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