Thursday 7 March 2019



We have been hearing from time immemorial that, “all fingers are not equal. Umu aka nile aharo“. Watching human being’s and animals' fingers, one will notice that the assertion is very correct. If it is true, why then the topic “Artificial Equal Fingers”?
This topic is the product of imitation people do these days that are very much alarming. People are no longer interested in discovering their potentialities and to work towards actualizing them rather, we are now interested in actualizing other persons' potentialities. Let me use stories to bring it down to earth.
The first one goes like this: A man in an inn refreshing himself after the fatigue of his work was listening to two persons discussing. A man and a woman were discussing each talking about his and her family. The man said that his wife uses kiss to wake him up and when he wakes up, the first thing that he will see is his breakfast before him. He said, he goes out anytime and comes in anytime without his wife complaining. He went to the extent of saying that his wife doesn’t talk, contribute anything in the family that he is the Lord of the house. He further said that he does not remember last he gave his wife money for food talk more of other things women usually need. The other woman was talking in the same vain with the man narrated almost the same thing that the man said that his wife does. After listening to them, the man was contemplating whether he is married or not? When he reached home, he gradually started practicing all that he heard in the inn he went. As he started practicing it gradually, his family followed it to collapsing gradually and at the end, his family collapsed.

The second is: A newly married woman went to her friend’s house who was married earlier for a visit. When they were discussing about marriage or married life. The newly married lady narrated how lovely her husband has been. After telling many long stories, the other one was left dumbfounded. She was a kind of “am I in marriage or something else”. When the husband came back, attitude changed. The husband being an understanding man noticed that there is something wrong somewhere managed himself to discover the problem and solution to it for they have been living in peace. One day, it happened that the second woman in turn visited the newly married woman. On her arrival, she saw the lady kneeling down in front of her husband begging him and the husband was with a belt as a cane for his wife. She immediately turned back and went to seek for forgiveness from her husband. That saved the family.
That this person is doing this and it is working for him does not mean that if you do it, it will work for you. God created us differently with different gifts which we must discover for us to be happy. Two or more persons can have the same talent or destiny or gift but there will still exist, a little difference. We are different no matter how we imitate others, we still have something in us that differentiates us and that we should discover. We cannot form fingers that are equal no matter how we try. Just know that we have different sizes in fingers and that is how it is in life. Artificial equal fingers will fail us if we continue to form it. All Fingers are not Equal. THANKS

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