Thursday 21 March 2019

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. By Tobe Eze

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.

First Reading
Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19
Second Reading
1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
Luke 4:21-30
Sometimes people are grieved to the heart because of what they receive from love that they show to people. Out of your goodwill, you will show someone love and the person will turn against you and deal with you mercilessly. Shall we stop loving?
A boy came to me one early morning even before morning mass. He came knocking at my door at that early hour. This was during Christmas season. I was asking who may be doing this knowing the type of cold we do experience during that time. When I asked, he called his name and told me that it was him. I asked him any problem and he said yes. I opened my door and he came in. he sat down and started narrating his story. He said, around October, I asked my girlfriend (wife to be), to start that time to look for things that she will use for Christmas that I will not wait till Christmas to start buying because I may not have money that time or things will become too costly. She accepted. Continue Reading.................................
On November 9th, we went for shopping, she bought all that she said she needed, I did not buy anything for myself that day. When I wanted to go and buy things for myself and family, she insisted that she will follow me to go there. I accepted and we went. After buying because I know what women can do, I asked her to look for something that she will pick to show that she went there with me but she said no that I have done enough. We went home and were waiting for Christmas. On the 20th of December, she came and told me that she needed a particular wrist watch. I told him to snap it and send to me so that when I go out, I will see if I can buy it. She did that. I was engaged with my work and did not buy the watch till 24th December. Someone came home from Malaysia and gave her another type of watch superior to that one I bought. She collected the two. I did not complain. We planned that she will come to my place on that Christmas day. When the time we agreed reached, I called her and she told me that when she is ready she will let me know. I respected her more than ever, for over one year I have been dating her we have not had sex. I wanted to introduce her properly to my people that day as my will be wife. I waited for her call but she did not call. Some minutes to 06:00 in the evening, I called but she did not pick. I went to their house and they told me she should be in my house. She told her people that she was going to my house and she went to meet that boy from Malaysia who gave her wrist watch. I could not understand but I managed to go home. In the night I called again but she did not pick. Very early in the morning she came to my house with a frowned face. She was barking at me for going to their house when she asked me to wait for her call. She told me, it is over between us. When I watched closely, I saw an engagement ring in her finger and when I asked, she told me that those who can treat her well have taken over. I could not talk and she left. Since then I have been thinking on what to do but nothing has come to my brain. Please advise me.

I will stop there because the further incident has passed the message we need from the story. My question is now, why do people like paying good with evil?’
In the first reading, God told Jeremiah that people will pay him with evils for the love he will show to them by trying to bring them back to God. Likewise in the gospel. It was the practical part of it. Jesus’ own people rejected him and his love for them and wanted to throw him down from the mountain. In all these, we will continue to love. We must fine reasons to love and those reasons are what St. Paul listed for us in the second reading. Finally, love is the greatest of all thing and it will last forever. No matter what we experience in Love, we will continue to love for God is love. The pain of love hurts but the joy of love lasts. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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