Wednesday 3 July 2019

Saturday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Saturday of Week 15 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 12:37-42
Matthew 12:14-21
When the appointed time comes, nothing will stop it. When the time God has planned or willed that sometime will take place comes, nothing will stop it. That sometimes we get confused about some issues is because we are not God and we cannot be God to know the time for everything. Despite whatever may happen, when the appointed time comes, we will see the manifestation of God.
Despite all that Pharaoh did to stop the children of Israel from leaving Egypt, at the appointed time, God used his hands to bring them out from Egypt.
That Jesus withdrew in the gospel was not because he was afraid of what may have befell him but because the appointed time had not reached. When the time reached, he could not withdraw again and he allowed himself to be killed.
Any situation we find ourselves that we are not comfortable with, just pray to God and wait for the appointed time and he will surprise us. We cannot know the mind of God, since we cannot know the mind of God, then let us wait for him for the bible recorded it that his thoughts for us are for good and not of evil (Jeremiah 29:11). Let us wait for the appointed time and our money, wives, husbands, houses, children, healing and every other thing that are worrying us will be ours. Thanks.

Friday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Friday of Week 15 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 11:10-­­----12:14
Matthew 12:1-8
Sometimes God gives us many opportunities for us to change out of his mercy but we will always take it as if he is a weak God. Many times people do things and beat their chests and say, ‘God will understand’. I am not God for me to tell you that he will understand or not but from my little knowledge, he will only understand us when we make serious effort. Some of us Catholics worsen issue, “highest mmechaa mgaa confession”. It may not end in ije confession since you do not have regard for God and that sacrament.
In the first reading, despite the signs made by Moses and Aeron before Pharaoh and his people, they still refused to grant freedom to the Israelites. They we joking with his mercy.
In the gospel still, despite all that Jesus has done before the Pharisees, they still did not understand that he is a God of mercy. Ihe n’ asom bu ebere, obughi aja. They were more interested in what the law says, to the detriment of human beings that those laws are meant to serve.
Any law that is against the safety of human life or preservation of human life is against the natural law. If there is food and people are allowed to die of hunger because the law said, that law should be abolished for it is not a law meant for human being. Anytime we are trying to stick to the law, we should also remember mercy. What our God wants is mercy and not sacrifice. Though he is a justice God, he is also rich in mercy, he is a merciful saviour and we can see that most in the sacrament of reconciliation. Thanks.

Thursday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Thursday of Week 15 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 3:13-20
Matthew 11:28-30
It is true that in our everyday life, we are faced with many afflictions but that does not expel the fact that God hears us whenever we are in trouble. He always hears us but the problem is if we even believe that he hears us.
In the first reading, God through Moses is showing us that he is not deaf with regard to our cry and not blind to see our afflictions. He will always answer us in due time.
In the gospel, he asks us to come to him in our trouble moments that he will help us. Whenever we are in trouble, our Lord God is the only and best person that we should run to and we will be saved.
What Moses told God in the first reading is still our problem today. How can I tell these people that you sent me? They will not believe me. In our world today, how can we convince you and me that it is the Lord who sent me to you? Many persons are now claiming that they are sent by God. How do we differentiate? The gospel has the answer. All those who claim that the Lord has sent them when they know they sent themselves will always preach suffering free Christianity while Jesus is inviting us to take his yoke for his yoke is easy and his burden not heavy. No matter the load we carry as Christians, they are not heavy since they are in the Lord. He hears us in all our situations, let us not lose hope for he will never forsake us. Thanks.

Wednesday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Wednesday of Week 15 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12
Matthew 11:25-27
The problem some of us have is that we are too rigid in life. Some of us have accepted that we are Christians but in character there is no change. I was telling a man who was a pagan the time I met him to get converted and become a Christian that that is where life is and every other thing. He openly told me. If these persons (he called names) are still Christians, I am not following you. If we have accepted Christ, why have we not done like Moses and turn around to understand what the Lord wants us to do?
Even in the gospel, Jesus himself is stressing the turning around by thanking the Father for revealing the hidden knowledge of the Kingdom to children. If we really want to encounter God and hear what he is telling us, we must become like children. We must leave our evil ways and embrace the innocent way of Christ that is manifested in children. Turn around and become a child and the knowledge will be revealed to you. Thanks.

Tuesday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Tuesday of Week 15 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 2:1-15a
Matthew 11:20-24
Some persons answer names like, Onyedioramma, Uwaenweogwu and so on. These names are the pure explanation of the two readings of today. People will be making serious effort to please the world and others will be complaining about the person. Obu gini ka aga eme?
In the first reading, we saw how Moses tried to save his own people from the trouble of an Egyptian and it turned to be a trouble for him. He was trying to imbibe in them the spirit of Umunne but the arrogant brother of his used it against him and that became a threat to  his life. No matter what you do to the people of the world, they must complain.
The gospel exposed how furious Jesus was to the people he had already done many miracles for but they could not repent and accept the message of life. He was causing them and comparing them with other nations that had not seen any miracle or even did not see miracle before there destruction.
In our world today, do we still have those who are unappreciative? Do we still have those who do not accept the good done to them rather, they use evil to pay for good? The answer for me is YES and some of them are here. Let us know that our God is not happy with us not paying good with good. Let us learn how to appreciate good things done to us and leave our evil deeds. The evil world can change through you and myself. Thanks.

Monday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Monday of Week 15 Year A
Exodus 1:8–14, 22
Matthew 10:34C11:1
The Israelites were faithful to their God and he was blessing them with fruitful marriages. Pharaoh and his people instead of seeking for their own way of increasing in number they were busy having evil thoughts for the Israelites. The Israelites were faithful to their God even when they were undergoing the hard labour given to them by Pharaoh and his men. Seeing that Onye Chukwu goziri na ogozigo ya they brought another way to subdue them.
Jesus in the gospel, is also disposing us for the troubles attached to following him or being faithful to him. The war Jesus is telling us that he brought to us is not ogu egbe na mma but ogu okwukwe. It is not that type we think or we see in films or the world. The war he is talking about is war of faith as St. Peter said that we should be ready to defend our faith always. The war of truth, we should say the truth always, we should stand on the truth always and fight for truth. When we tell people the truth about their wrong doings, certainly they will not be happy with us. They will look for any means to fight us, to engage us in a war. It is this type of war that Jesus is talking about. The trouble with faithfulness is that people will hate us because of our faithfulness but we should remember that it is only those who are steadfast till the end will be given the unfading crown of Glory.

Saturday of Week 14 Year A. By Tobe Eze

Saturday of Week 14 Year A.
Genesis 49:29–32; 50:15–26a
Matthew 10:24–33
Jacob on dying asked his sons to bury him in his fathers' grave yard. His sons accepted the fate without question or rejection. Joseph’s brothers were afraid to face any punishment that will come from Joseph. They were committing without thinking about the consequence or consequences. When they have committed the sin they were not ready to accept the fate that followed it rather they went to Joseph to beg him with their father’s name. Joseph as a just man made them to know that they would not suffer as he was alive. But when Joseph was dying, he made them to know that their liberation can only come from God. He disposed them for the fate ahead. He did that by telling them. “When God remembers you, promise to take my bones with you.”
Jesus in the gospel also disposed his apostles on what will befall them on the course of preaching the gospel or good news. When Joseph was disposing his brothers, it was for them to have faith in God no matter what they will pass through. Jesus also is doing the same thing today. He urges us not to fear our brothers or sisters in the villages who will not be on our sides when we say the truth. When problems come up in the village, we sell off our faith because of fear of ordinary men and women. Somewhere like Nsukka, when cases of Akatakpa, Oriokpa, Omabe, Odo, Kakpo and so on come up, we Christians will twist them and say. “All these are just for recreation”. Or even culture. Recreation or culture that is harmful to human life. Recreation or culture that threatens life, what shall we call it? Let us tell ourselves the truth.
Let us ask for the grace to face our fate as Christians no matter what people will say or do. A pastor was before his wicked King to preach against wickedness. He knew that his king will not leave him after the preaching and he drafted a means. He, the pastor shouted, Pastor be careful on what you preach for the king is here. After sometimes, he shouted again, Pastor be careful on what you will not say for the King of Kings is here. The choice is your, either to fear God and face the fate or to fear men and still face the fate.

Friday of Week 14 Year A By Tobe Eze

Friday of Week 14 Year A
Genesis 46:1–7, 28–30
Matthew 10:16–23
After passing through all the troubles and trails in Egypt by Joseph and the ones his father passed through in the land of Canaan, emotional trauma he passed through when he lost Joseph, they came together again in love. What a joyful moment? When Joseph was suffering in Egypt, he trusted in God and remained steadfast. He did not shake for he knew the God that he was serving.
Jesus towards the end of the gospel said that, only those who remained steadfast till the end will be crowned with the unfading crown of glory.
Steadfastness is a virtue we should embrace in life. Let us learn to continue in our trials and life challenges. Do not stop when you are tried but stop when you are done. Let us not quit without trying. Let us learn to endure till the end for there must be the best for us. The meeting of Joseph and his father was the happiest thing that happened in their lives and this was a result of steadfastness. The end that Jesus is promising us today will be the best thing for us and it will only come through steadfastness. Let us today learn to continue. Ejighi ututu ama njo ahia.

Thursday of Week 14 Year A By Tobe Eze

Thursday of Week 14 Year A
Genesis 44:18–21, 23b–29; 45:1–5
Matthew 10:7–15
Joseph was sold with charge but he was giving his brothers and family food without charge. Joseph was maltreated by his own blood brothers. What was done to him was an offence that no reasonable man should have forgiven those that did it to him. Child trafficking. But he did not even go to that side at all.
It is not all evil that have been done to us that we should pay back with evil if any at all there is any. There is difference between justice and revenge. There are those we should give punishment for deterrent not for revenge. Joseph punished his brothers by sending them to go and fetch his younger brother so that they may not try that act they did in the first place again. We have to overlook certain things because we are one family in Christ as Joseph did to his brothers.
In the gospel, Jesus mandated his apostles to give without charge for they received without charge. The problem we face today is that some who call themselves men and women of God are no more giving without charge. What can we call them? They are now using so called gift of God as avenue for making money.
If we really received without charge, we will give without charge and God’s blessing will never leave us. A labourer deserves his wages not a labourer demands his wages.

Wednesday of Week 14 Year A By Tobe Eze

Wednesday of Week 14 Year A
Genesis 41:55–57; 42:5–7a, 17–24a
Matthew 10:1–7
Joseph’s brothers were regretting the bad thing they did to their brother Joseph without knowing that God was just using them to fulfill the plan of saving them from the famine that befell them. God worked through the imperfect thing done to Joseph.
In the gospel Jesus himself called again imperfect men to carry out perfect work. He called tax collector whom the Pharisees regard as the worst set of people. Jesus called trouble makers and peace makers. He called the imperfect to perfect them.
God wants us to make a change whenever he wants to use us. Joseph’s brothers had a change of heart when they realized what they have done. They regretted the act and abandoned it. The apostles Jesus called in the gospel also abandoned their different ways of lives and embraced the new life of Christ.
Let us today learn to abandon our old way of living that does not please God like Joseph’s brothers and the twelve apostles that Jesus called. Let us remember that akwuro otu ebe ekiri mmanwu. Let us like the eagle that was living among chicken since its lifetime left there when it realized that, that place does not fit its kind. Sin does not fit us. Let us leave the way of sin and embrace the way of life.