Wednesday 3 July 2019

Monday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Monday of Week 15 Year A
Exodus 1:8–14, 22
Matthew 10:34C11:1
The Israelites were faithful to their God and he was blessing them with fruitful marriages. Pharaoh and his people instead of seeking for their own way of increasing in number they were busy having evil thoughts for the Israelites. The Israelites were faithful to their God even when they were undergoing the hard labour given to them by Pharaoh and his men. Seeing that Onye Chukwu goziri na ogozigo ya they brought another way to subdue them.
Jesus in the gospel, is also disposing us for the troubles attached to following him or being faithful to him. The war Jesus is telling us that he brought to us is not ogu egbe na mma but ogu okwukwe. It is not that type we think or we see in films or the world. The war he is talking about is war of faith as St. Peter said that we should be ready to defend our faith always. The war of truth, we should say the truth always, we should stand on the truth always and fight for truth. When we tell people the truth about their wrong doings, certainly they will not be happy with us. They will look for any means to fight us, to engage us in a war. It is this type of war that Jesus is talking about. The trouble with faithfulness is that people will hate us because of our faithfulness but we should remember that it is only those who are steadfast till the end will be given the unfading crown of Glory.

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