Wednesday 3 July 2019

Saturday of Week 14 Year A. By Tobe Eze

Saturday of Week 14 Year A.
Genesis 49:29–32; 50:15–26a
Matthew 10:24–33
Jacob on dying asked his sons to bury him in his fathers' grave yard. His sons accepted the fate without question or rejection. Joseph’s brothers were afraid to face any punishment that will come from Joseph. They were committing without thinking about the consequence or consequences. When they have committed the sin they were not ready to accept the fate that followed it rather they went to Joseph to beg him with their father’s name. Joseph as a just man made them to know that they would not suffer as he was alive. But when Joseph was dying, he made them to know that their liberation can only come from God. He disposed them for the fate ahead. He did that by telling them. “When God remembers you, promise to take my bones with you.”
Jesus in the gospel also disposed his apostles on what will befall them on the course of preaching the gospel or good news. When Joseph was disposing his brothers, it was for them to have faith in God no matter what they will pass through. Jesus also is doing the same thing today. He urges us not to fear our brothers or sisters in the villages who will not be on our sides when we say the truth. When problems come up in the village, we sell off our faith because of fear of ordinary men and women. Somewhere like Nsukka, when cases of Akatakpa, Oriokpa, Omabe, Odo, Kakpo and so on come up, we Christians will twist them and say. “All these are just for recreation”. Or even culture. Recreation or culture that is harmful to human life. Recreation or culture that threatens life, what shall we call it? Let us tell ourselves the truth.
Let us ask for the grace to face our fate as Christians no matter what people will say or do. A pastor was before his wicked King to preach against wickedness. He knew that his king will not leave him after the preaching and he drafted a means. He, the pastor shouted, Pastor be careful on what you preach for the king is here. After sometimes, he shouted again, Pastor be careful on what you will not say for the King of Kings is here. The choice is your, either to fear God and face the fate or to fear men and still face the fate.

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