Wednesday 3 July 2019

Wednesday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Wednesday of Week 15 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12
Matthew 11:25-27
The problem some of us have is that we are too rigid in life. Some of us have accepted that we are Christians but in character there is no change. I was telling a man who was a pagan the time I met him to get converted and become a Christian that that is where life is and every other thing. He openly told me. If these persons (he called names) are still Christians, I am not following you. If we have accepted Christ, why have we not done like Moses and turn around to understand what the Lord wants us to do?
Even in the gospel, Jesus himself is stressing the turning around by thanking the Father for revealing the hidden knowledge of the Kingdom to children. If we really want to encounter God and hear what he is telling us, we must become like children. We must leave our evil ways and embrace the innocent way of Christ that is manifested in children. Turn around and become a child and the knowledge will be revealed to you. Thanks.

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