Wednesday 3 July 2019

Friday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Friday of Week 15 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 11:10-­­----12:14
Matthew 12:1-8
Sometimes God gives us many opportunities for us to change out of his mercy but we will always take it as if he is a weak God. Many times people do things and beat their chests and say, ‘God will understand’. I am not God for me to tell you that he will understand or not but from my little knowledge, he will only understand us when we make serious effort. Some of us Catholics worsen issue, “highest mmechaa mgaa confession”. It may not end in ije confession since you do not have regard for God and that sacrament.
In the first reading, despite the signs made by Moses and Aeron before Pharaoh and his people, they still refused to grant freedom to the Israelites. They we joking with his mercy.
In the gospel still, despite all that Jesus has done before the Pharisees, they still did not understand that he is a God of mercy. Ihe n’ asom bu ebere, obughi aja. They were more interested in what the law says, to the detriment of human beings that those laws are meant to serve.
Any law that is against the safety of human life or preservation of human life is against the natural law. If there is food and people are allowed to die of hunger because the law said, that law should be abolished for it is not a law meant for human being. Anytime we are trying to stick to the law, we should also remember mercy. What our God wants is mercy and not sacrifice. Though he is a justice God, he is also rich in mercy, he is a merciful saviour and we can see that most in the sacrament of reconciliation. Thanks.

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