Wednesday 3 July 2019

Tuesday of Week 15 Year A By Tobe Eze

Tuesday of Week 15 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 2:1-15a
Matthew 11:20-24
Some persons answer names like, Onyedioramma, Uwaenweogwu and so on. These names are the pure explanation of the two readings of today. People will be making serious effort to please the world and others will be complaining about the person. Obu gini ka aga eme?
In the first reading, we saw how Moses tried to save his own people from the trouble of an Egyptian and it turned to be a trouble for him. He was trying to imbibe in them the spirit of Umunne but the arrogant brother of his used it against him and that became a threat to  his life. No matter what you do to the people of the world, they must complain.
The gospel exposed how furious Jesus was to the people he had already done many miracles for but they could not repent and accept the message of life. He was causing them and comparing them with other nations that had not seen any miracle or even did not see miracle before there destruction.
In our world today, do we still have those who are unappreciative? Do we still have those who do not accept the good done to them rather, they use evil to pay for good? The answer for me is YES and some of them are here. Let us know that our God is not happy with us not paying good with good. Let us learn how to appreciate good things done to us and leave our evil deeds. The evil world can change through you and myself. Thanks.

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