Wednesday 3 July 2019

Thursday of Week 17 Year A By Tobe Eze

Thursday of Week 17 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 40:16-21.34-38
Matthew 13:47-53
A woman met me one day and told me that she will leave the Catholic Church for there are many sinners in the Catholic Church. She even went to the extent of calling names of those in the Catholic Church that are evil and we are still accommodating them. After looking at her ignorance, I pitied her and tried explaining to her that God does not discriminate here rather at the last day when we will be divided. Even St. Augustine on this type of thing said, the church is the church of sinners and saints.
In the first reading, we can see how God was protecting his people with cloud during the day and pillar of fire during the night. He was doing that knowing full well that some of those he was protecting were still those who would say many things against him.
In the parable we heard from the gospel, the net brought many types of fish and selection was made after the catch. After our life here, selection will be made on us.
The only reason why God is the God of sinners is to give us opportunity to repent, if not, we must have died long ago rather, he gives us opportunity everyday to make changes in our lives as his children. Since he is our God, we should always do what pleases him. Thanks.

Wednesday Week 17 Year A By Tobe Eze

Wednesday Week 17 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 34:29-35
Matthew 13:44-46
There is a great difference between appearing in the church and being present in the presence of God. Going to the church for formality sake is very different from encountering the Lord. Just like we said on Monday of the 14th week, encounter with the Lord changes one. Moses after his encounter with God, his whole body changed. His face was shining that no one looked on his face. Moses was keeping himself holy for God. He left all he had and dedicated himself to the service of God. In the gospel, Jesus told a parable that supported being in the presence of God. To be in the presence of God, we have to leave many things behind. We should leave all our worthless things that are not in the presence of God and buy that which pleases God most. Let us sell our pride, our envy and every other bad things we do and buy the best which is God’s presence through our behaviour. Isaiah 55:1, come and buy without money. Thanks.

Tuesday Week 17 Year A By Tobe Eze

Tuesday Week 17 Year A 
First Reading:
Exodus 33:7-11; 34:5-9.28
Matthew 13:36-43
The Lord is full of love and compassion slow to anger abounding in love and charity (Psalm 154:8-9). Moses was going to his presence to intercede for the people and he was hearing him. Jesus in the gospel was explaining the parable of the weeds in the field. He was explaining it for him to justify every action he will latter take, the conclusion of the gospel said. He who has ears, let him hear. Onye nwere ntị ya nụrụ. He is always merciful on both those who make effort and sometimes on those who do not make effort and that was why the master asked workers to leave the two to grow but the end will determine. How much effort do we make? Let us like Moses go closer to God. Let us like the apostles go to him for him to explain to us what may be confusing us. He gives judgment with mercy. He has no partiality in him but he is merciful and compassionate. If we stay from afar to understand him, it may be very difficult for us but if we go closer like Moses and the apostles, we will see the richness of the kingdom. He is a just God. Thanks.

Monday Week 17 Year A By Tobe Eze

Monday Week 17 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 32:15-24.30-34
Matthew 13:31-35
After prophesying our faith during our baptism, after professing all we profess during credo in the church, any little problem will destabilize us. The Israelites after shouting all that the Lord said we shall do. They went ahead to force Aaron to construct for them a god that will lead them, just that Moses went up to the mountain. Nothing good comes easily. In the gospel, parables were told. In the first one, No big tree can grow into a big tree within a short time. It takes time and Jesus said that the kingdom of God is like that. The second parable also is saying the same thing. The woman was mixing it till all were leavened. She did not get tired along the line. Let us today not get tired along the line. Let us continue to move. God knows us and our problems. It takes time. The journey of life is filled with ups and downs and that we should know and recognize so that we will not lose faith like the Israelites. We must keep moving like a tree that is growing gradually into a big tree. Though waiting for the Lord may take time, it must surely come to pass. Thanks.

Saturday Week 16 Year A By Tobe Eze

Saturday Week 16 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 24:3-8
Matthew 13:24-30
Have you ever reflected on the fact that it is always when you want to make sincere effort that the devil will like to tempt you? Have you ever reflected on the fact that you will see a life changing situation and make a resolution to change and you will not even last anything and you will see yourself falling? These are facts of life.
I have had two experiences that made me to vow never to sin again but after that, I did not even last for anything and saw myself sinning again. The first one happened at UNTH Enugu. I went for blood donation there. They took our sample and we were outside waiting for them to test the sample. As we were there discussing and chatting. People were carried around on stretchers. Those who were seriously sick that were unconscious. The one that touched me most was that some groups of nurses were carrying a dead man on a stretcher chatting and laughing while the relations were crying behind them. I just asked myself, is this all we are in this world for. I sin because I am healthy, these people here who are dead, sick (unconscious for that matter) are asking God to give them this opportunity he has given me and I am here wasting it. I decided that I will not sin again from that very moment. It was few days to our break, immediately I came back home, the type of lie that I leveled to my people in order to get money from them was more than anything else. The second was one day I went to my cathedral to confess my sins in the evening. Normally, you do not search for priests in my cathedral but that day, I stayed till night before seeing a priest and it was Saturday, I needed it for the health of my soul and again because of Sunday. I made resolution that day not to sin again. Only to lie terribly on Sunday. My classmate called me that he wanted to visit me meanwhile I had already booked appointment with a friend to go somewhere and drink beer. I told him that my father said I would be taking him to somewhere and other stories to back it up.
This happened to Israelites after all these their promises in the first reading. All that the Lord said we will do. We can see the cause of this problem in the gospel, when we are asleep in our prayer lives, the enemy will plant weeds. We must wake up our prayer life in other to fight the devil that is against our efforts to be holy. Had it been that I handed those my resolutions to God through prayers, it would have lasted longer than when I violated it. Prayer is necessary in season and out of season else, the devil will plant weed in our farm and they will not be uprooted till the end of time. Thanks.

Friday Week 16 Year A By Tobe Eze

Friday Week 16 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 20:1-17
Matthew 13:18-23
Laws are made to help people in life. Laws that God gave his people, were for them to change from their evil ways of life to a better one. These laws are divided into two, love of God and love of our fellow human being. If we claim that we love God and we hate our fellow human being, the love is incomplete. Because we divide these laws and take only the one for God and forget our fellow human being, Jesus decided to explain the parable more for us to know that, they are all for us. Both those that fell on the road, rocky, thorny and good soil. So these laws are for us all. We are to make sure that we keep them and they will make us fertile for the word to bear fruits that will last in us and people around us will see it in work in our lives. It will be a disaster that we hear the word of God daily but there is no positive change in our lives. May we change our bad ways so that we can bear fruits in 30s, 40s, 60s and even 100s. Thanks.

Thursday Week 16 Year A By Tobe Eze

Thursday Week 16 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 19:1-2.9-11.16-20
Matthew 13:10-17
First reading is a continuation of what Israelites did at Massah where they tested their God. After that, they said Moses was deceiving them, that they also wanted to hear from God directly not from Moses again. Hearing from God is only meant for those who are privileged to hear from God. We are privileged to hear from him through his ministers in different ways. In the gospel, Jesus talked about that same privilege. The problem here is that, some of us who are given the opportunity are now depriving ourselves the privilege and also trying to deny others the privilege. We reject this privilege through the kind of life we live. Let us watch the way we live as Christians and it shall be well with us. If you are given privilege (s), try and utilize it for it may not be forever and know that many may also be longing for that and they have not gotten it. In my local dialect, we normally say, onye era voyi gu alu, koma ne oge maka ne onwere ike inu ya onye ozo (when a mad man gives land to cultivate, do it fast for he may give it to another person). Do not abuse the privilege of being children of God. Thanks 

Wednesday Week 16 Year A By Tobe Eze

Wednesday Week 16 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 16:1-5.9-15
Matthew 13:1-9
The Israelites were not ready to accept the fact that God was working for them both in season and out of season. They thought he was only working in season. After saving them from this problem they will say, we have never seen a God like this, but a step forward, they will complain again. They should have accepted the works God was doing for them. This also happen to us always, as it is explained in the gospel. Some fell on the way, stony or rocky, thorny and some on a good soil. Where are we? Some only get converted inside the church during homily and after that they go back to their normal way of life like the Israelites. When we are not faithful to God, he is still faithful to us and the earlier we accept him, the better for us.
A man who was a traditionalist got converted to Christianity. He left ATR during the time Omabe masquerade was on holiday. He was very active in the church just like he was in the ATR. When the local masquerade returned after two years, the man was already a serious Christian. One day, he went for 05:30am mass to enable him tap his wine on time for he was a palm wine tapper. When he climbed one of his palm trees, he started hearing the local music of the masquerade which was so sweet, he started dancing to it on the palm tree. At a point he could not endure it again. He called his wife from the palm tree and told her, “ada mu uka” which means, “I have loosen faith”. Put in another form, I am no longer a Christian. He came down and went back to his ATR. This is what happens to us when we do not understand God just like the Israelites and if the word of God did not fall on a fertile soil in our lives. Let us make effort to make ourselves fertile for the word of God to grow in us and bear fruits. Thanks.

Tuesday Week 16 Year A By Tobe Eze

Tuesday Week 16 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 14:21-15:1
Matthew 12:46-50
Who are those that we can classify as those who are in the love of God? The rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick, the strong, the weak or who? Those who are in the love of God are those who receive blessings from God, but from time to time though they may be passing through some challenges.
In the first reading, the Israelites are presented to us as those in the love of God for they received God’s saving help from the clutches of the Egyptians. In the Gospel, Jesus presented those who are in the love of God as those who do the will of his Father. He was told that his mother and siblings were looking for him and he gave an answer that looks like an insult but it is not. Of course Mary was the first to do the will of God in the New Testament, so even if he was talking about her biological mother, Mary is still qualified.
Coming from another angle which is not Biblical, maybe it is this type of claiming that we do when we see that someone has made it. Our people are fund of relating themselves to people who have made it in life. Jesus was famous and maybe some people wanted to make name out of it and he used that way to explain to them the task of being his mother or relation.
Whichever way, we should always make effort to be in the love of God and his favours will never leave us in life. Thanks.

Monday of Week 16 Year A By Tobe Eze

Monday of Week 16 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 14:5-18
Matthew 12:38-42
In the first reading, the Israelites were faced with the Red sea and the great warriors of Egypt and these clouded them with fear and they could not see God working for them. They asked Moses if there were no graves in Egypt where they would be buried. Moses saw God in their situation and he proclaimed before them that the Egyptians you see today, you shall see them no more. In the gospel, some Pharisees who did not see Jesus as God in their midst were asking for sign from him for them to believe in him. But Jesus told them, there will be no sign for this generation.
Moses saw God before him and he saved them. The people of Nineveh saw God in Jonah and repented and Queen of Sheba saw wisdom in Solomon and traveled from a far place to witness it and what is higher than Solomon is here with us. Let us as they did today see the Lord who is standing to save us. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is greater than all we can think of. He is our God and he is ever ready to save us if only we can recognize him as Moses, the people of Nineveh and Queen of Sheba. Thanks.