Wednesday 3 July 2019

Tuesday Week 16 Year A By Tobe Eze

Tuesday Week 16 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 14:21-15:1
Matthew 12:46-50
Who are those that we can classify as those who are in the love of God? The rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick, the strong, the weak or who? Those who are in the love of God are those who receive blessings from God, but from time to time though they may be passing through some challenges.
In the first reading, the Israelites are presented to us as those in the love of God for they received God’s saving help from the clutches of the Egyptians. In the Gospel, Jesus presented those who are in the love of God as those who do the will of his Father. He was told that his mother and siblings were looking for him and he gave an answer that looks like an insult but it is not. Of course Mary was the first to do the will of God in the New Testament, so even if he was talking about her biological mother, Mary is still qualified.
Coming from another angle which is not Biblical, maybe it is this type of claiming that we do when we see that someone has made it. Our people are fund of relating themselves to people who have made it in life. Jesus was famous and maybe some people wanted to make name out of it and he used that way to explain to them the task of being his mother or relation.
Whichever way, we should always make effort to be in the love of God and his favours will never leave us in life. Thanks.

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