Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Thursday of Week 17 Year A By Tobe Eze

Thursday of Week 17 Year A
First Reading
Exodus 40:16-21.34-38
Matthew 13:47-53
A woman met me one day and told me that she will leave the Catholic Church for there are many sinners in the Catholic Church. She even went to the extent of calling names of those in the Catholic Church that are evil and we are still accommodating them. After looking at her ignorance, I pitied her and tried explaining to her that God does not discriminate here rather at the last day when we will be divided. Even St. Augustine on this type of thing said, the church is the church of sinners and saints.
In the first reading, we can see how God was protecting his people with cloud during the day and pillar of fire during the night. He was doing that knowing full well that some of those he was protecting were still those who would say many things against him.
In the parable we heard from the gospel, the net brought many types of fish and selection was made after the catch. After our life here, selection will be made on us.
The only reason why God is the God of sinners is to give us opportunity to repent, if not, we must have died long ago rather, he gives us opportunity everyday to make changes in our lives as his children. Since he is our God, we should always do what pleases him. Thanks.

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