Wednesday 3 July 2019

Wednesday Week 16 Year A By Tobe Eze

Wednesday Week 16 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 16:1-5.9-15
Matthew 13:1-9
The Israelites were not ready to accept the fact that God was working for them both in season and out of season. They thought he was only working in season. After saving them from this problem they will say, we have never seen a God like this, but a step forward, they will complain again. They should have accepted the works God was doing for them. This also happen to us always, as it is explained in the gospel. Some fell on the way, stony or rocky, thorny and some on a good soil. Where are we? Some only get converted inside the church during homily and after that they go back to their normal way of life like the Israelites. When we are not faithful to God, he is still faithful to us and the earlier we accept him, the better for us.
A man who was a traditionalist got converted to Christianity. He left ATR during the time Omabe masquerade was on holiday. He was very active in the church just like he was in the ATR. When the local masquerade returned after two years, the man was already a serious Christian. One day, he went for 05:30am mass to enable him tap his wine on time for he was a palm wine tapper. When he climbed one of his palm trees, he started hearing the local music of the masquerade which was so sweet, he started dancing to it on the palm tree. At a point he could not endure it again. He called his wife from the palm tree and told her, “ada mu uka” which means, “I have loosen faith”. Put in another form, I am no longer a Christian. He came down and went back to his ATR. This is what happens to us when we do not understand God just like the Israelites and if the word of God did not fall on a fertile soil in our lives. Let us make effort to make ourselves fertile for the word of God to grow in us and bear fruits. Thanks.

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