Wednesday 3 July 2019

Monday Week 17 Year A By Tobe Eze

Monday Week 17 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 32:15-24.30-34
Matthew 13:31-35
After prophesying our faith during our baptism, after professing all we profess during credo in the church, any little problem will destabilize us. The Israelites after shouting all that the Lord said we shall do. They went ahead to force Aaron to construct for them a god that will lead them, just that Moses went up to the mountain. Nothing good comes easily. In the gospel, parables were told. In the first one, No big tree can grow into a big tree within a short time. It takes time and Jesus said that the kingdom of God is like that. The second parable also is saying the same thing. The woman was mixing it till all were leavened. She did not get tired along the line. Let us today not get tired along the line. Let us continue to move. God knows us and our problems. It takes time. The journey of life is filled with ups and downs and that we should know and recognize so that we will not lose faith like the Israelites. We must keep moving like a tree that is growing gradually into a big tree. Though waiting for the Lord may take time, it must surely come to pass. Thanks.

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