Wednesday 3 July 2019

Wednesday Week 17 Year A By Tobe Eze

Wednesday Week 17 Year A
First Reading:
Exodus 34:29-35
Matthew 13:44-46
There is a great difference between appearing in the church and being present in the presence of God. Going to the church for formality sake is very different from encountering the Lord. Just like we said on Monday of the 14th week, encounter with the Lord changes one. Moses after his encounter with God, his whole body changed. His face was shining that no one looked on his face. Moses was keeping himself holy for God. He left all he had and dedicated himself to the service of God. In the gospel, Jesus told a parable that supported being in the presence of God. To be in the presence of God, we have to leave many things behind. We should leave all our worthless things that are not in the presence of God and buy that which pleases God most. Let us sell our pride, our envy and every other bad things we do and buy the best which is God’s presence through our behaviour. Isaiah 55:1, come and buy without money. Thanks.

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