Saturday 8 October 2022



Accidentally I met this classmate of mine whom I have not set my eyes on since we left secondary school. This classmate of mine married just two years after our secondary school. Her husband is very rich that he bought her a car  on her first birthday after their wedding. I went to Enugu this concluded break, I was standing along the road waiting for Keke that would drop me to a place I wanted to visit. A Corolla stopped before me and someone shouted from inside. “Jesus Christ! Tobe Eze! Jesus Christ is Lord! Are my eyes deceiving me?” I was trying to understand the situation when she came out from the car. Lo and behold, I recognised her immediately (because there was no much change). We exchanged greetings, just figure out in your mind, types of words we used for the greetings since this is already the 10th year anniversary of our departure from secondary school. She offered me a ride and a lunch which I did not reject any of them. I just put a call across and cancelled my previous arrangement. She drove me to an inn and we ordered for food and drinks. Continue Reading............

Tuesday 4 October 2022


In my JSS3, I had wonderful classmates who were (and I believe are) very spiritual and religious. Each afternoon after dismissal from school, while going home, we must branch to the chapel at our parish then (St. Mary’s Parish Eha-Alumona) to pray. I may not be certain of our individual intentions then but I had no particular intention of doing that. Whenever I entered the chapel, any intention that came, formed my prayer point. If any did not come, I would only tell God, you know my needs. As we formed that as a habit, I began to notice everything in the chapel including those that would always be there whenever we were there to pray.

There was this particular woman that normally lay down in front of the Altar to pray. Every day she must be there and at that particular hour. I was praying for God to give me the strength and time to be like this particular woman. One thing I did not know then was her time of going there and time of leaving. I was only sure of that hour that we normally go there for prayers. One day, one of us (of course a girl) said that the said woman was sleeping in the chapel and not praying and she had noticed that for weeks. I immediately objected because I was already praying for God to make me to pray like her. We argued for a very long time. Of course I do not need to tell you my distractions from my prayers from that day on because, you already know that I would make effort to know if she was really sleeping or praying. Surprisingly for me, I also noticed that the woman was actually sleeping every day at that hour in the chapel. This instead of reducing my intention of being like her, it increased it, that I would want to be like this woman who sleeps before the Lord. No attack from the devil, no bad dreams etc. Continue Reading..........

Friday 24 June 2022




One of the subgroups in the Churches that I very much admire right from my school days is the CHOIR ! I love them but can’t join them because of their 2 to 4 times weekly practices which I can’t offer because of other religious and vocational engagements. I give KUDOS to those who have volunteered to contribute their own quota in the Heavenly race and serve God through this gesture. Continue Reading.........

I SWEAR By Tobe Eze


I often hear people say, Lord protect me from my friends; for my enemies, I can handle them. I have never doubted it and I do not think I will doubt it but I have never believed it as I believe it now. Another adage says, experience is the best teacher. This has also made me to believe more in asking God to protest me from my friends; for my enemies, I can handle them. Some or all of these friends-enemies are born out of a heart that does not have forgiveness in it. If a heart has forgiveness in it, it will find it very difficult to play the two parts of being friend and enemy at the same time because they are contradictory. The pain of betrayal or the wound of betrayal is one wound that I have noticed that it takes supernatural grace of God to heal, if that is the case, then we should make every effort to avoid it.

A lady was presented with two names of those that applied for job in a company where she was working. Continue Reading..................

Monday 20 June 2022



Today we live in a society where multiple crime killings and war is going on because of cultural and religious misunderstandings and conflicts and yet we claim to be united.

And slowly we are losing our cultural heritage beauty and attributes to misunderstanding and conflicts. Amid this, killings and brutalities keep on happening and yet the high-profile people we have are not doing anything instead, they are even supporting and funding what is happening. Here, we are going to know what misunderstanding is. Continue Reading.........

Tuesday 31 May 2022


 Published already in Living Spring Magazine. Blessed Iwene Tansi Major Seminary Onitsha 2022 Edition


In many cultural groups in Igbo land, there are animals they use for funerals. These animals include, pigs, horses, donkeys, cows etc. We are not going to trace the total history of some of these because of limited space, we are just going to give a little history and give the significance of this from the Igbo African Traditional Religion practitioners and bringing it to the Christianity of today in order to make the point clear on how it contradicts the salvation brought by Christ. This is widely accepted in Igbo land that funeral of a person must go with a significant animal. We are going to take cow as a case study for it is a widely accepted animal for the funerals more than other animals. Read More.........

Saturday 28 May 2022



I am just remembering vividly when we were small, most times along every road in our different villages you would be seeing articles or items belonging to people hanging on trees, sticks etc so that the owners would easily see them while passing. We normally see, keys, books, purses, handbags, wallets, money and so many others. It was very easy then to locate your lost items ones you could remember the road that you took. Again, I can also remember when one of my childhood friends and first among us to have cellphone lost it. The person that picked the phone was calling contacts he found in the phone and I was the person he called and told us where we should come to collect the phone. Again I can remember also how we helped a family that had funeral of their father back then that their cow broke the rope that was tiring it on the tree to recover the cow free of charge and they were very grateful. If I continue with the list, it will be innumerable. Let me go straight to the point I am trying to arrive at but before then, let us look also at this little throwback. Continue Reading......

Saturday 21 May 2022



Recently Deborah was brutally killed in Sokoto and the social media has been filled with many agitations against Muslims and their fight for their Prophet. Many killings have been attributed to Muslims, Fulani herdsmen, bandits and unknown gunmen. As these news fill the sky, we easily forget that we may not be far from this same act. We have forgotten that Osinachi that died some months ago was also killed, not by Muslims, herdsmen, bandits and unknown gunmen but a Christian. It is alright known to us that it is no longer uncommon for us to hear about massacre in different parts of Nigeria daily. These unjust killings have made almost every Christian and other religions in Nigeria and other places to hate Muslims, Fulani herdsmen, bandits and unknown gunmen and also have mand every other person not in this category a saint. Though some educated Muslims are trying to defend Islam and are trying to point out that these killings are not in their real teaching but are from some fundamentalists or extremists, so many Christians have not accepted that defence. Nigerian government has also made so difficult for people to accept the defence for nothing serious has been done about these killings, kidnapping and vandalization of people’s properties. Let me not further in this one. Continue Reading..........

Saturday 14 May 2022


Anonymous: Tobe please hide my identity because this thing happened real. Sometime last month two girls visited my house but no one was around. They later told me on phone. End of the same month, a girl visited me and beginning of this month also, a girl visited me. I am calling only girls because it concerns them not that boys did not visit. Then last week, I did serious washing, I virtually washed all my clothes and after that, I prepared to visit a friend. When I was going out, I went and told my uncle’s family that I did washing and I wish to go out, incase it starts raining they should help me with the clothes for my people were not around. They accepted and I left. It rained heavily and they forgot my clothes outside and rain dealt seriously with them. I had to rewash them when I got home. They sincerely apologized for that and I accepted it because anyone can forget. Last week, another girl visited, when I was escorting her, we met the wife of that my uncle and we exchanged greetings.  Continue Reading..........

Saturday 7 May 2022



Chidi: Tobe Eze, so because of your Easter break, you have stopped giving us weekend diets?

Tobe Eze: You would not understand dear. Enjoyment karịrị and I could not help it. Don’t worry, I will be back soon. For all those who waited for me these past two weeks, biko do not be offended, I just decided to enjoy my Easter break and nothing more.

We all are aware of the fact that no one knows tomorrow. Even the so called seers cannot holistically tell what tomorrow holds. If this fact cannot be disputed, then we have to live our lives as those who do not know what tomorrow holds for us. We should try always to live a life that will make our tomorrow better and a life that would not make us regret our tomorrow when it becomes today. I so much support this fact that we should do good because of the unknown nature of tomorrow and I will continue to keep it. But if we take this to our human relationship, then I may try to go beyond being good because of the unknown nature of tomorrow. Continue Reading............