Thursday 15 February 2018


  •                MY QUOTES FOR THE WEEK.  
  •      Fear is important, for suicide is different from martyrdom. Tobe Eze.
  • 2.       Looking is different from seeing, see before you place conclusion. Tobe Eze.
  • 3.       Fat body is never fat courage. Tobe Eze.
  • 4.       Before you deny one meat, check if he has teeth, for you may be doing him good in the name of evil. Tobe Eze.
  • 5.       The Lord is good is more effective when you are in the company of good people. Tobe Eze.
  • 6.       When you see a beautiful lady both in character and stature, you will know that nature can create. Tobe Eze.
  • 7.       It is not all that good to marry an ugly man but more dangerous to marry a handsome man. Tobe Eze.
  • 8.       Misinterpretation can kill, understand before interpreting. Tobe Eze.
  • 9.       Men are jealous but women live it as their lives. Tobe Eze.
  • 10.   One minute is too small but does a mighty thing. Tobe Eze.

Saturday 10 February 2018

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Leviticus 13:1—2, 44—46
1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1
Mark 1:40—45
During the time we had Ebola saga, some left the Catholic Church for they said they have committed abomination for asking the faithful to be receiving Holy Communion with hands. Some wanted to leave but they did not summon the courage to do that. Some stopped receiving communion till the period passed. Some were receiving it grudgingly. All these are the groups that said Church should not do such thing, that Church has lost her faith in Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Church is always wise and will continue to be right for Christ is always with his Church.
The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "If someone has on his skin a scab or pustule or blotch which appears to be the sore of leprosy, he shall be brought to Aaron, the priest, or to one of the priests among his descendants. If the man is leprous and unclean, the priest shall declare him unclean by reason of the sore on his head. It is the work of the priest to declare one unclean. These days, when a priest declares one unclean, instead of working towards making him/herself clean, the person will turn against the Church especially the priest that declared him/her unclean. Continue Reading..........................

Monday 5 February 2018



  • Small stature is never small value. That is, small body is not small knowledge or does not make man small. Tobe Eze.
  • 2.       Attention reduces attention. Tobe Eze.
  • 3.       Till death do us apart is not tomorrow, be careful on choosing. Tobe Eze.
  • 4.       Our “I Do” has many implications, think well before you say it. Tobe Eze.
  • 5.       Gentleness of the body is not gentleness of the heart, make them to be one. Tobe Eze.
  • 6.       Recognize your present needs and it will help you to know your future needs and prepare for them. Tobe Eze.
  • 7.       Slavery from within is the worst slavery on earth. Tobe Eze.
  • 8.       On your marks, is for those who are out for the game. Tobe Eze.
  • 9.       Allocation brings responsibility or culpability. Tobe Eze.
  • 10.   Prayer without concentration is like cultivation without plantation. Tobe Eze.

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. By Tobe Eze

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.
Job 7:1—4, 6—7
1 Corinthians 9:16—19, 22—23
Mark 1:29—39
When one looks at the first reading, tracing it back to the time the devil got permission from God to try Job, one may ask. Why should God allow such to happen to one who is faithful to him? There are many examples in the Bible especially in the Gospel where story of sicknesses were told for the glory of God. After sees all these things we may ask, does God glory in the sufferings of his people?
It is not that God glories in the sufferings of his people but sometimes he allows some certain things to come our ways to solidify our faith in him. Our faith should be tested as gold is being tested in the fire to purify it (1Peter 1:7).  It is through some of these things that God’s many more blessings come our ways. Think of Abraham, after his faith had been tested, from that mountain the Lord started providing for him, Joseph after being tested, he started enjoying the blessings of the Lord with his family which the test came through. Job that we talk about today, after the testing, he latter enjoyed the riches of the Lord. Some of our trails are for us to see the glory of God around us. The man born blind that Jesus healed, he said that neither his sins nor his parents sins but for the glory of God to be revealed to him and others (John 9:3). When we receive some certain favours from God, they make us to acknowledge him the more. God permits in other to help us to trust him the more. It was Leibniz who on the account of explaining physical evil said that, they normally lead to good things, and sickness is one of them. Continue Reading....................

Monday 29 January 2018

My Quotes for the Week. By Tobe Eze

  • 1.       When things want to turn around for you, the place, state and people you are with matter a lot. Mind the place, state and people you go, are and stay with. Tobe Eze.
  • 2.       Appearance can be deceiving, go for the reality. Tobe Eze.
  • 3.       In everyday, try to drop one bad thing in your life and pick one good thing. It helps in building oneself. Tobe Eze.
  • 4.       Move in this world as the eagle moves in the air when the wind blow against it. Enjoy it for it must rest and it is just matter of time. Tobe Eze.
  • 5.       Even if there is no reason for you to be happy, be happy for it is necessary. Tobe Eze.
  • 6.       Growing old is not growing up, try to join the two. Grow old and equally grow up. Tobe Eze.
  • 7.       If you follow all that you see, you will be eaten by all that you see. Tobe Eze.
  • 8.       All men are the same always follows a bad experience with a man. Tobe Eze.
  • 9.       Underline the bad, work towards eradicating it. If you leave it open, you may eradicate both good with it. Tobe Eze.
  • 10.   If we are to take life as an examination hall where we are faced face to face with the invigilator, we will not cheat. We will not sin. Tobe Eze.

Saturday 27 January 2018

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. By Tobe Eze

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.

Deuteronomy 18:15—20
1 Corinthians 7:32—35
Mark 1:21—28
Be imitators of me as I am an imitator of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Words of St. Paul. There is this saying that, “imitation is limitation”. My question now is, one who imitates Christ, is the one having any limitation? Christ himself is a perfection and imitating him is imitating perfection. What may be the limitation we may have in imitating him?
The first reading points to the Messiah who is to come. Moses was telling the Israelites the type of prophet and saviour that God will be sending them, the one that will rule them forever. The Gospel is the pure practical example and the blueprint of what the prophet is. Jesus live a celibate and chaste life and also, when praises came to him, he shunned it for he knew that the glory that will come at last will be more than that one that was coming from the evil spirit. And the second reading tells us to imitate the ways of the Messiah. In the verse one of the 1Corinthians 7, St. Paul started it will these words, “it is better to remain single but due to the immortality in the world, one man, one wife”. Continue Reading.................................

Sunday 21 January 2018

4th Sunday of Advent Year B. By Tobe Eze

4th Sunday of Advent Year B.
First Reading:
2Samuel 7:1-5. 8b-12. 14a. 16
Second Reading:
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38
Let it be done unto me according to your words, are no more our words as Christians rather, let it be done unto me according to my mind.
In one of my pastoral experiences, I met one woman whom her daughter was seriously sick. She was praying and shouting unto God for his will to be done on her daughter’s life. When I reached the house, the daughter was doing like one who is dying. At that point the woman shouted, “God if this is your will on my daughter, please let the cup pass by, she will not drink it”. I rushed the child to nearby hospital. After recovering, I went back and asked the woman why the changing of the intention. You should have continued with the first one. She said that Jesus himself asked his father to take away the cup from him and two that she did not want her daughter to die. Our major problem sometimes is to be able to recognize and listen to God. Continue Reading................................

Saturday 20 January 2018

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. By Tobe Eze

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.
Jonah 3:1—5, 10
1 Corinthians 7:29—31
Mark 1:14—20
A man entered a local hotel, he asked the people serving to serve him swallow (foo foo). They asked him the type of soup he will like to take. He threw back question of what type of soup do they have. They mentioned all they had and he told them to give him small ogbono, small egusi, small oha, small nsala and so on. He was asked to choose one among all of them and he said, “I cannot leave any of them”. Why this story? We sometimes behave like this man in many ways and may things we do here on earth. Continue Reading.......................

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. By Tobe Eze

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. 

1 Samuel 3:3b—10, 19
1 Corinthians 6:13c—15a, 17—20
John 1:35—42
A certain woman went to a certain priest and explained to him about his spiritual dryness, after admonitions and prayers, the priest advised the woman try to listen to God while praying not always expecting God to listen. He told her to listen to God to hear from him, the priest gave her example with today’s first reading. The woman went inside the chapel stayed from morning till night waiting for the Lord to call her just like Samuel. She stayed there till the Fada's boy came to lock the chapel. She refused going that she must hear from God before going. Another man who had never agreed that the Lord has ever done anything good for him. He was advised by a priest to see God and his goodness to him in his life. The man asked the priest how? And he used today’s Gospel reading as an example to him. The man went home, he went and sat beside one Mr. John in his town who was a drunkard waiting for him to tell him, behold the Lamb of God. continue Reading..................

New Year Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Year B By Tobe Eze

New Year Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Year B

Numbers 6:22—27
Galatians 4:4—7
Luke 2:16—21
Just like yesterday and a year is gone. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ both now and forever more. Amen. Otito diri Jesu. Na ndu ebebe. Glory to God. Honour to Mary.
When I was small, in 2004, I was in the kitchen with my elder sister on 15th January. We were singing with 15th January 2004. At a point she asked me where will I be in 2014 and I shouted kpaoooo! Too far. But now, 2014 has long ago passed. It is a thing of joy. Years are now running so fast, and all are to the glory of God. It is not by our power or our might but through his merciful love and care. Chukwu dalu. Keep us forever in your side both in this passing world and the everlasting one coming. Continue Reading..........................................