Saturday 21 November 2020



Nonso is a very s

uccessful business man in the timber shade at Nsukka. He has been dated Nkeiru for three years. They had already started planning for their marriage to take place Easter next year. Nkeiru just finished everything about her studies but no job yet. The wonderful event that I want to talk about now took place during Christmas. Continue Reading......... 

Sunday 15 November 2020



I was having good time with my friends and a message came to my phone through WhatsApp because, my data was on. The message goes like this. 

Brother Good afternoon. Please brother, I need your help, you are the only one that can save me now. I told my mother that I was going to Enugu-Ezike to visit a classmate there. She accepted and gave me her car. 

Continue Reading.......... 

Wednesday 4 November 2020



Very deep in my siesta, I heard the vibration of my phone. With eyes half opened, I collected the phone from the desk where I kept it. Oh my God, this girl and her trouble. It was my niece. I picked and she just shouted over the phone. Brother! Brother! E don happen! I managed to ask her what has happened? She told me, “do you know that our landlord’s son that you normally stay with when you come around? From my bed I jumped up because it was just few days after my own relation was buried and it was the same hour that I got the news of his death on the day he died. I shouted, what happened? Waiting to hear the worst news again and she just said I should calm down that there is nothing much. Continue Reading..... 

The Reply of Abuguja Hillary Chekwube on the Article. On the Death of Ejike Eze

 Death is a reality and nobody understands it more than a dead person. *IThink* 

The mystery of death is demystified only by the deceased.

Marriage has neither advantage or disadvantage over death but you've to understand a people from their culture. Some cultural thoughts need to be seriously looked into. Marriage in Igbo tradition isn't something that they joke with  but more importantly igbo value child bearing. That's why we've names like Nwanenyeanuri, obiechina etc. 

Marriage is a sacrament that was instituted by Christ himself and it should be encouraged.However, there's no particular age for marriage. One goes into marriage whenever he or she thinks that one is ready.

For those asking you about the statutory status of the deceased. Their intentions could be categorised into 2 ; (1) if he's married , what will happen to his family (2) if he's not married, his lineage has ended.

Death gives no information before taking one. 

May we continue to pray for the happy repose of Ejike and may we also accept the fact that our own date can be anytime. 

*Memento mori*

Tuesday 3 November 2020

On the Death of Ejike Eze. By Tobe Eze

 On the Death of Ejike Eze 

Ejike died at 37

Nwanne m lawanuo. Chineke nna kporo gi o. Nwanne m jee zuru ike n' ogu ebiela.

As an African, I have been very much aware of this ideology but I saw it most now that I am mourning Ejike Eze. Some after consoling me will ask me if he was married and I will answer innocently “No” as it should be and I got three comments that made me to write this. 

One person said, he was late already for not marrying till now. 

The other said, Chai, he should have married before now. And the last person said, 

Why has he not married, at least…… Continue Reading....... 

Thursday 13 August 2020



The rate by which young men and women become useless these days is quite alarming. We all cross our hands waiting for the government to provide us with opportunities to make it in life but they are seriously failing us. Regular joke in the social media will always say “education is the key but the problem is that after studying, we will notice that government has changed the padlock”. We are living in a country that the youth are not cared for. Shall we continue to wait for them? For me the answer is “No”. We can still do something. Continue Reading.......... 

Wednesday 12 August 2020

NO GAIN. By Tobe Eze


What do people gain in letting others suffer what they themselves suffered and did not like the experience? Let me start this with a short story.

A certain man from a certain place once went to a particular native doctor to get charm for protection. Continue Reading........

Tuesday 28 July 2020


Sometimes, rushing things without inquiries create numerous problems for us. We can see things just ordinarily from our limited physical view without waiting to see if we can see a light or fire at the end of the tunnel. Taking two families as examples to this, we will get the point at home.
A family had a beautiful daughter that attracted many men, boys young and old, rich and poor and so on. The girl and the father kept on analyzing men who were coming to seek for her hand in marriage based on these questions. What type of car does he drive? How many buildings does he have? What is the name of the city he lives? These were what they were interested on. Continue Reading................

Friday 24 July 2020

Why too much Rape? By Tobe Eze

Why too much Rape?
When one obverses closely what is happing now in our society, one may ask series of questions on this trending evil. Cases of rape is increasing every day in the society. What and what are the cause of this growth of evil in our society? If we blame ladies who are being raped, what of children who are being raped, shall we blame them too? If we blame men who rape both ladies and children, shall we also leave ladies that do go around almost naked? We are aware that they said, blood is thicker than water. If we blame boys that rape people they do not know, what do we have to say about fathers raping their children or siblings? All these are creating serious society disorder and they are calling for attention of many. Spiritual attention is needed, psychological attention, mental attention, moral attention, social attention, economic attention and so on. I will briefly highlight few things that may lead to rape and how we can avoid some of them in this write up for this is no longer a joking matter. Continue Reading........

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Nnam! Si mu dalu (Father! Tell me weldon) By Tobe Eze

Nnam! Si mu dalu (Father! Tell me weldon)
There are things we do sometimes consciously or unconsciously and they spoil things. These things are things that are very infinitesimal but when we do them, they amount to a very big problem. They kill the good spirit of work in people, they demoralize, they weigh people down, they even make people to be wicked, they also make some lazy, they can as well make people to be dubious and many other bad effects of it. We often quote Cicero, “Gratitude is the least of all virtues but when neglected, it becomes the greatest vice”, but to put it into practice is very difficult for us. The word “Weldon” can help to solve a very big problem that will follow it when neglected. Continue Reading..........