Saturday 26 November 2022



It all started the night I went to my Classmate’s lodge to write assignment. I saw this fine guy in the lodge, for Christ sake everything I need in a man is in him. So tall, handsome, soft spoken, gentle, nice dressing and so on. I asked my friend about the boy and she  told me, Samuel! That shying guy. I fell in love more on hearing that he is even a shy type. After the whole night activities, we went to bed but I could not sleep because of the thought of the shying Samuel. In the morning, as God may have it, I was greeted with the face of Samuel when I went out to brush my teeth. What a smiling handsome guy. Good Morning Samuel! Very surprised that a strange girl knew his name. As a shy type, he just answered, Good Morning! He tried leaving and I called him back, asked him why he did not care to ask me how I got to know his name. He smiled (what a sweet face smiling to me this morning. This is really the day the Lord has made and I am happy and glad) and said, I was really surprised but did not feel like asking. I quickly asked him, are you a shy type? He retorted, No! But it is written all over you, I answered. He continued with his sweet smiles which I was enjoying. That was how morning discussion with this angel in a man started. After the discussion, I happily went in and told my friend everything. She laughed at me and told me not to mind Samuel, that he would fall my hand. I told her that I would try my best first before giving up. Continue Reading............

Saturday 19 November 2022



This guy met me after Sunday Mass on that fateful day two years ago. He sounded so cold that I had pity on him and tried to inquire more of his problems. He told me several stories that touched me and I decided to help him. The most touching one is how he lost his family. Telling the story of how he lost his family members may take space so I wouldn’t go into that, I will concentrate on my encounter with him. Just know that he lost his family members through fire outbreak. Continue Reading.......

Saturday 5 November 2022



You see funny things about life, all these children of end time are now happy because I faced parents and elder brothers and sisters. Just know it that the story did not end there, another person has also come out with another story. We must have to listen to the two in order to get the judgment right.

Tobe Eze, I would not say that you are wrong but you still have to hear another side of the story for you to strike a balance. Judging from what you were presented with, you are very much right but I need to present another story for you so that you will take the final decision.

Tobe Eze, sincerely speaking, it was after one year of our father’s death that we realised how good that man was. We never knew that he was the best Father anyone could have on earth till after one year he left us. We made so many mistakes and he was not there again to help us solve them as he was doing and we were misunderstanding him. My father was a type that talks for a very long time. We are three in the family, two boys and a girl. The girl came last. We were born into a house where the fact that each time you commit something that he did not see as something very wonderful, he must call you at night to advise you. Each time my father called any of us, he would take serious time talking to you about the thing you have done and he would tell you the implications of what you have done, consequences of what you have done, and the things that may come out even unconsciously from them. Continue Reading......

Saturday 29 October 2022



You would not understand what we have been passing through in that family. I am not trying to paint him black, I am only trying to tell you that he does not understand life as it should be. He feels he has the whole world in his hands and none of us has anything to offer. Our father died when our last child was 6 years old. Our first son took the responsibility of a father and a husband to our mother. He is really a good man but our problem is that he does not understand that we have grown and also can take decisions on our own. Continue Reading............

Saturday 22 October 2022



Since you want to know, now listen very well so that you will understand how everything happened.

I was coming back from a conference which took place in Enugu. When I reached Ugwuogo Nike, a lady was waving at me to stop, I stopped and she rushed me with a young man. She pleaded that they were going to Nsukka and had little money, she asked if I could help her and her brother, if Nsukka was my destination. Of course I was going home which is in Nsukka. I told her that I could not help considering the situation of the country as regards insecurity. Continue Reading......

Saturday 15 October 2022



Two men were quarreling in a market. They were exchanging insults, curses and telling themselves every derogatory word on earth. At a point, I decided to listen keenly to the contents of what they were saying, likewise many who gathered. Funny enough, these two men are age mates, school mates, friends and from the same community. So they know themselves very well and even some of their secrets. So, they were unearthing many things as the quarrel was going higher. Continue Reading......

Monday 10 October 2022



Psalm 107:1 says, "Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good; His love is eternal!”

Our People believe that he who sings prays twice. There is power in praising and worshipping God.

The Bible recorded in Joshua chapter six(6) that by prayer and praise, marching round the city, the People of Israel pulled down the walls of Jericho.

Ex. 23:25-26 says, "If you worship me, the Lord your God, I will bless you with food and water and take away all your sicknesses. In your land no woman will have a miscarriage or be without children. I will give you long lives." Continue Reading.......



Religious beliefs can't always be explained in scientific terms and aberration.

For clarity, Science is defined by a popular source as knowledge ascertained by observation, critically tested, systematically, and brought under the general principal or law. In other words, science is just a certain knowledge that has proven to be right about something.

Continue Reading .....

Saturday 8 October 2022



Accidentally I met this classmate of mine whom I have not set my eyes on since we left secondary school. This classmate of mine married just two years after our secondary school. Her husband is very rich that he bought her a car  on her first birthday after their wedding. I went to Enugu this concluded break, I was standing along the road waiting for Keke that would drop me to a place I wanted to visit. A Corolla stopped before me and someone shouted from inside. “Jesus Christ! Tobe Eze! Jesus Christ is Lord! Are my eyes deceiving me?” I was trying to understand the situation when she came out from the car. Lo and behold, I recognised her immediately (because there was no much change). We exchanged greetings, just figure out in your mind, types of words we used for the greetings since this is already the 10th year anniversary of our departure from secondary school. She offered me a ride and a lunch which I did not reject any of them. I just put a call across and cancelled my previous arrangement. She drove me to an inn and we ordered for food and drinks. Continue Reading............

Tuesday 4 October 2022


In my JSS3, I had wonderful classmates who were (and I believe are) very spiritual and religious. Each afternoon after dismissal from school, while going home, we must branch to the chapel at our parish then (St. Mary’s Parish Eha-Alumona) to pray. I may not be certain of our individual intentions then but I had no particular intention of doing that. Whenever I entered the chapel, any intention that came, formed my prayer point. If any did not come, I would only tell God, you know my needs. As we formed that as a habit, I began to notice everything in the chapel including those that would always be there whenever we were there to pray.

There was this particular woman that normally lay down in front of the Altar to pray. Every day she must be there and at that particular hour. I was praying for God to give me the strength and time to be like this particular woman. One thing I did not know then was her time of going there and time of leaving. I was only sure of that hour that we normally go there for prayers. One day, one of us (of course a girl) said that the said woman was sleeping in the chapel and not praying and she had noticed that for weeks. I immediately objected because I was already praying for God to make me to pray like her. We argued for a very long time. Of course I do not need to tell you my distractions from my prayers from that day on because, you already know that I would make effort to know if she was really sleeping or praying. Surprisingly for me, I also noticed that the woman was actually sleeping every day at that hour in the chapel. This instead of reducing my intention of being like her, it increased it, that I would want to be like this woman who sleeps before the Lord. No attack from the devil, no bad dreams etc. Continue Reading..........