Thursday 7 March 2019

1st Sunday of Advent Year C. By Tobe Eze

1st Sunday of Advent Year C.

Jeremiah 33:14—16
1 Thessalonians 3:12—4:2
Luke 21:25—28, 34—36
God destined us not for retribution but to win salvation through Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:1). He planned for our salvation before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). This is the time we always expect that promise in Christ Jesus.
God said in the first reading through the prophet Jeremiah says, “The days are coming, says the LORD, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah”. That his plan of salvation for humanity is what he is telling us today being the first Sunday of Advent. A time when we prepare for the commemoration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Advent is a time for preparation for the coming of our saviour. It is not that we don’t prepare ourselves other times but we do it more now. Continue Reading..................

The second reading, Paul is telling us to hold fast the teachings given to us through Jesus Christ because that is the only way we can inherit that salvation it’s days are coming. It is not enough that we practice them, but we must make earnest efforts to see that we transfer them to others so that that salvation will be theirs also. Happy the man who brings a sinner back to life, it covers a multitude of sins (James 5:20).

From the gospel, it is talking about the coming of the end time. It listed many things that will happen and it seems that those things listed are already taking place in our own generation. Aside that, this is where it touches us much for those in Sheol cannot praise God (Isaiah 38:18). If we die, there will be no time for us to save ourselves again which means we have missed heaven. It becomes very necessary that we amend or mend our lives now (hic et nunc) here and now for we don’t know the hour it will be. A healthy person dies, unhealthy also dies. The poor, the rich and so on die, so we should be prepared always. There is no age bracket. Martin Heidegger said that as soon as a child is born, he/she is old enough to die. He was even talking about one that has already been born. I am adding, a child convinced is old enough to die.
What are we expected to do in order to be prepared for this. We live as Paul directed in the second reading, to live according to the teachings we received from the apostles through Jesus Christ. These things are not impossible for us to do for many have done them though it was not easy for them. Nothing good comes easily and that is why we should continue to strive. Christ Jesus started it for us and as Christians, we are following his footsteps. We are to embrace the life of a good Christian. Many evils we do in preparation for Christmas we should watch them and correct them because that is not how to prepare for the commemoration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this advent season that starts today, we should make resolutions for it is a new year in the church’s liturgical calendar. And resolve to carry those resolutions throughout our lives. When we make resolutions, let them not end up in the advent rather, let them become part of us and we will be ready to welcome Christ in our lives. He stands at the doors of our hearts, let us let him in (Revelation 3:20). The sacrament of reconciliation is a straight way for us to start the return to God. Let us embrace it and it will help us to gain that salvation God has prepared for us. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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