Thursday 7 March 2019

2nd Sunday of Advent Year C. By Tobe Eze

2nd Sunday of Advent Year C.

First Reading
Baruch 5:1-9
Second Reading
Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11
Luke 3:1-6
In my village, every last Saturday of October every year is a day of repairing our village roads. After repairing the road, many things that do block the road will be cut and potholes will be filled. Gutters will be constructed again to avoid water flowing on the road. After doing that, everywhere will be looking good and it will be appreciated by all who use the road. After sometime into the year, before the last Saturday in October, our roads will get worse and it will become difficult for people using vehicles to use them. My persons thought of what should be done to solve the problem, they thought of having the repairing twice in a year but people objected, because of coming home and going back to different places where they live. After a long argument, a conclusion was reached that after every three months, those living in the village should help and fill those potholes to help the road not getting worst. They started it but another problem came out. Before that three months, there may be a heavy rain once or twice and it will wipe out the whole thing and the road will get worse again. Another solution has to be brought out and that solution is now helping everyone. They reached the conclusion that, anyone that erosion destroys the road before his house should repay it, not waiting till three months or whatever but with immediate effect and that has brought a wonderful solution to the problem. During the general repairing of roads, the work will be very small and all will do that happily and go. Why this story? Continue Reading.......................

Every year the church brings out Advent and Lent for great preparation for the wonderful things that will come, the birth, death and resurrection of Christ. Many people after that season go back to their normal life or even become worst and that is not the teaching of the church. The repairing of the roads in my village is not for it to get worst again or for that moment but the solution was lacking. When we got the solution, everyone was happy with it. The two seasons of Advent and Lent are not just for those periods rather to lead us throughout our lives. As we have seen that we may fall again before those seasons will come again, then we should start to work on ourselves each time we fall and not wait for the season alone. We should cut down every hill and mountains in our lives and fill the gorges in our live. What are these mountains, hills and gorges? They can be mountains of anger, hatred, and stinginess and so on. What may be these valleys? They may be valleys of unforgiving spirit, carrying grudges, gossiping, stealing, killing and many others.
John The Baptist.

These are what the three readings are telling us today. We are in the season of preparation for the coming of the Lord and our Lord cannot live in a heart filled with these mountains, hills and valleys. We have to cut and level them so that our heart will be habitable for the Lord who is to come. Some of these mountains, hills and valleys have the capacity of growing again after cutting them, just like flowers in our homes. Even our hairs on our heads do grow again after cutting them and we do not leave them like that. So, also we should not leave ourselves to live in these sins when this season has passed. This is a work that we must continue to do to avoid missing the mark we are to follow. The readings expect us to live this new life even after this season. We should do continues cutting and leveling of our mountains, hills and valleys and it shall be well with us. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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