Thursday 7 March 2019

3rd Sunday of Advent Year C (Gaudate Sunday). By Tobe Eze

3rd Sunday of Advent Year C (Gaudate Sunday).

First Reading
Zephaniah 3:14-18a
Second Reading
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:10-18
Why are all the readings asking us to rejoice? Even the second reading repeated it, why? It is because of the importance of the joy that is to come that all the readings are now asking us to rejoice. Igbos will say, oke ehi dobie, oke mmadu achuwa ya. The greatest plan of God for man after his fall is about to take place and that is why we should rejoice. Our salvation is assured and it is a great thing that calls for joy.
The three reading are preparing us for the coming of our saviour Jesus Christ who will be born to us to save us from sin death and to bring us back into life which we lost through our first parents when they fell (Genesis 3). The first reading made us to understand that the Lord has remembered us, the second reading is telling us that our saviour is at hand and that is why we should rejoice and the gospel has come to make us know the way we are to prepare to welcome our saviour. Continue Reading.....................................

This joy we are talking about is not a selfish joy that one has when he/she sees his/her neighbour suffering. It is not a joy that one enjoys his/her things alone when there are people that need a little of that. It is not a joy that you have gained so much and your neighbour has gotten nothing. It is not a joy that your children are doing well but other persons’ children are not doing well or have not reached the level of your own children. There was a woman from my place. Her children made it in life on time. Every Christmas, they come back with bags of food. When they go back, the woman will start sharing them out to people who have not or enough to eat. When she calls her children to complain that she has no food again, they will be surprised for they bought things for her in bags. When they asked her how come all have finished, she always answered them, “kedu ebe ebu uwa aga, ekesala mu ya” (where are we carrying this world to, I have shared them out). Another woman, my neighbour, when her children comes back with a bag of rice, she will hid it under her bed. She will continue to eat it till it gets spoilt for she did not keep it well and she will go and bury the spoilt ones.

John is preaching to us today the extension of joy like the first woman in the story above. We have to share whatever we have with people who do not have and the joy of waiting for the saviour will be complete. John said, “Whoever has two cloths should share with the person who do not has none”. Some have cloths that have been on their hanger for year without wearing them and they cannot give out, it is against the joy. Some after sometimes, they bring them out to burn them when there are those who need them. It is not the way we shall rejoice. You are doing Christmas clean up and that is why you are burning cloths and shoes that another would have used. You have spoiled the show. John again said, “And whoever has food should do likewise”. Where did you allow your yams to rout in your store or barn when you have people around you who will never forget you if you had fed them with those yams. Different type of soup spoil in your deep freezer and there are people dying of hunger. It is not a mark of Christianity. Some are taking their children to the most expensive shops and supermarkets to buy Christmas things for them when you would have moderated it to use it and buy for that your poor neighbour’s child or children or as well take them also to that place and buy for them. Some do not buy good cloths for their house helpers but their children wear gold as cloths. This is not the way of rejoicing for the Lord is coming. Rejoice, I repeat, rejoice for the Lord is at hand. Make the joy to go viral and you will forever be joyful. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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