Wednesday 27 March 2019


We have come to understand that what we cherish most in this part of the world is worthless things and discard relevant or relegate important things to the mud. Why do we leave the object and pursue its shadow? Many have left what is paramount important to their lives and spend time in doing things that will not benefit them or anyone around them. There is this that Bishop Matthew Hassan Kuka said when he was asked to reply to what some politicians were criticizing the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), “I cannot beatify them with my comment”. If we are to borrow this, then we will shun many stupid things we cherish these days and celebrate the valuables.
There are many ways by which morality is being dragged to the mud and people celebrate them more than anything on earth. Many poor students are excelling in many schools but no one is interested in them but talk about Big Brother Nigeria (BBN), almost all will be interested. Many actors and actresses or more still those in the entertainment world are making effort to see to the promotion of morality and such videos do not sell in our country these days rather, those who are teaching us how to sell our morality are being sold on daily basis. I opened a blog where I post reflections, quotes, homilies, articles and so on, I was not getting enough traffic there. I approached someone to complain to him my experience and to see if he can offer a solution. He told me to post pornographies there and I will hammer. If you open Youtube to watch film, what they will display for you there are pornographic videos. You cannot find a good one there till you search for it and it will come out from the hidden place. We can still remember how people celebrated the deadly dance style ‘one corner’, other songs that are decently danced are forbidden. Naked girls dancing are being celebrated more than ever.
If you ask some people, they will tell you that they are not the ones doing it so, they have nothing to be held against them there. Since you follow and watch them, you are supporting them and that is a way to beatify them which we should not. Why have we degenerated to this level? This is not how our forbearers lived. I remember when I was small, my father normally bark and sometimes beat my elder sisters if he sees them hang their pants outside the bathroom. These days, what we celebrate are those who go naked around the street both male and female. We have left the point. Let us come back when there is still time and stop celebrating the valueless. Let us shun the celebration of the valueless and celebrate the valuables and we shall right the wrong. Thanks.

Tobe Eze (DAN~HILL)

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