Thursday 7 March 2019

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. By Tobe Eze

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.
Daniel 12:1—3
Hebrews 10:11—14, 18
Mark 13:24—32
The way we cherish this life we are living is making some to ask, are we still going to die? You will see an old man about 90-120 years still praying for long life and good health. What other long life is he looking for? It is not evil to pray for long life and good health but where the problem lies is on how we go about it. We are more interested in this passing life more than the everlasting life. Why this intro? The church in her wisdom is bringing to our consciousness the things of the end of time or eschatology through the three readings of today.
The first reading is telling us about those who did well and those that did not. It ended with these words, "But the wise shall shine brightly like the splendour of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever." The question now is, do we lead people to justice or jungle? Do we lead peace or pieces? These are the questions we should ask ourselves to know where we are going. Continue Reading...............
That Christ the Highest priest has offered sacrifice for our sins is making it easier for us to gain salvation. It only requires little effort we will make to show that we accepted the sacrifice he made for us as recorded in the second reading.
I think all these that are happening now are pointing towards that which the Bible recorded in the gospel. Things are seriously getting more confused in the world making people to think that the end time is already here. This confusion is just because as the reading says, "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Because it is hidden, people are now confused. But that is the only best option to that, for if we know the time, we will continue to live in sin till our dying time, we will change.
From my own point of view, let us not wait to see those signs in the gospel before we make effort for we may not actually see those signs as it is recorded before it will take place. Let us come and think of this. We are made to understand that anyone who dies cannot come back again and there is no repentance there in the underworld. These people who have died did not experience those signs in the gospel and they are gone and will not change their ways of life again. The only opportunity is now that we are alive. Even if those signs will take place, we will not know the time it will happen and even if it will not, the fact is that we are going to die and also we don’t know when we will die. It is better for us to take this time we have now as gift from God and utilize it very well.
If death is to come now, where are we going? If those signs should come now, are we going to be among the wise ones that will shine forever or are we going to be disgraced forever? It is left for us to make the choice. There is nothing new or extraordinary mapped out for us to do in other to be ready. It is only those things we have known before. Many places in the Bible God is calling us to be ready, let us be ready so that, WHEN THE TRUMPET SOUNDS, WE WILL BE GLORIFIED IN CHRIST FOREVER. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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