Thursday 7 March 2019

Solemnity of Christ the King Year B. By Tobe Eze

Solemnity of Christ the King Year B.
Daniel 7:13—14
Revelation 1:5—8
John 18:33b—37
When we were growing up, when I was still in the secondary school. Our Parish (when we were still in our mother parish) encouraged us to be going for joint prayer. Each station should bring out a day in a week when they go to one of the Block Rosary centres in their station. It should continue to rotate among the centres. It will help to strengthen the centres in the station. I was the president of my own centre. One day when we were going for the joint prayer, during Akatakpa masquerade’s festival, we met one of them on the way. The children I was with wanted to run but I calmed them down. The Akatakpa ran towards us to scare me so that he will scatter us and beat those he can. I continued telling those kids not to move that nothing will happen. When it came closer enough and noticed that we were not moved, it turned and went to another direction. The next day, the boy in the masquerade came to me and asked me what gave me that courage as young as I was then. I told him, as a leader I had to, had it been I moved, what would have been the fate of those kids? In other to rule, you have to show your subject that you can protect them from prevailing dangers. Why the story? It is not that it is equal to whom Jesus is to us and what he did for us but just to show how he supports us in all our hard times. Continue Reading......................

The first reading is telling us the type of King our Lord Jesus is; the one like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship; all peoples, nations, and languages serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not be taken away, his kingship shall not be destroyed. Every tongue, every people is subject to his rule. Both those in Sheol and oblivion obey him. He is the God of the living and of the dead for he died for the two.
Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. No one has ever died and came back on his /her own accord as the son of man. No one has stayed in the grave for three days as the Son of Man did. And that is why he is: "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "the one who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty." No other one except him.
Pilate and others that heard of the Kingdom of Jesus thought it was the type of kingdom they had and were wondering the King that he will overthrow and take over They thought it was the type of kingdom of men that when you die your reign ends, they did not know that his kingdom lasts forever. Pilate was asking him of his kingdom and even when he explains to him the type of Kingdom he has, he did not understand him.
Because of his gentility, people could not understand the type of King he will be and the type of kingdom he will rule. People have known Kings to be strong physically but they didn’t know about the one who rules both those who are weak and also strong. In our own time, we know kings as those who are rich and well known in the society. Jesus was not rich, he was not known in the society as we think rather in another way. All those qualities, Jesus had none of them but his kingdom is above every other kingdoms.
All those praise we give to the worldly Kings we should today times them by ten and give them to the King of the Kings. We should rejoice for we have the best King that has every quality required for him to be our King. The only thing is that we should not only shout them only on our lips rather let them come from our hearts so that we will understand his gentility and be his subjects. THANKS AND HAPPY CHRIST THE KING.

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