Wednesday 3 July 2019

Friday 18th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Friday 18th week Year A
First Reading
Deuteronomy 4:32-40
Second Reading
Matthew 16:24-28
Traditionally as some of us know, there is no god or gods that has ever or is ever ready to sacrifice its existence or any part of it to save its worshippers, rather, they demand for more sacrifices, external sacrifices. Some of them go to the extent of demanding for human sacrifice in order to make them stronger to fight for them or to grant them the favour they need. Traditional gods from time to time demand specific sacrifice (s) from their worshippers. In my place, we call it maa ida mmadu ihe. Our own Lord and God do not demand from us a specific sacrifice for a specific request. He gave us free will to do as we like. If we can recall what happened in the Bible when Jesus cured ten leapers and one came back to appreciate him, he did not even ask about the gift he came with but why are others not here to appreciate him?
In the first reading, Moses is asking us the new Israelites if we have seen any other god that does what our God is doing for us. If we have not seen, why are we still hurting him with our sins? We have left him and his eternal life and are now ready to lose our lives and that is what Jesus also is asking us in the gospel, what it will profit us.
The reason why the Israelites were not following God as they supposed was because they did not want to suffer and that same thing is happening to us these days. We want a crossless Christianity and Christ but Jesus said no to that in the Gospel. We are not even happy that our saviour is leading the way of suffering and we are following him rather, we want him to suffer alone. Christianity of suffering free is not from Christ for he himself said we must carry our crosses and follow him every day. Since he is the only one who has offered to lead us in the way of suffering, let us appreciate him by following and obeying what he commands us to obey in the conclusion of the first reading. Thanks.

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