Wednesday 3 July 2019

Thursday 19th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Thursday 19th week Year A
First Reading
Joshua 3:7-10a.11.13-17
Matthew 18:21-19:1
Naturally if God were to be a man, he would not have led Israel so far as he did. They caused his servant Moses not to enter the Promised Land but he did not count that against them, he continued to lead them. He promised to be with Joshua again so that he would lead them into the Promised Land. He has never left his own people, it is always our problem that we leave him sometimes. Despite all we do to him, he has continued to forgive us and that is what he expects from us also.
Is it seven times? No, seven times seventy which should be 490 in a day. If we continue to record people’s sins against us in a day so that we will know when it has reached 490, we will not be of use again in life and for us to be useful, God made it that way. In his mercy, he wants us to extend it to others. In the parable, the wicked servant for me should be killed (condemned to hell) immediately, but that is why I am a human being. God in his mercy gave him opportunity to come out from the prison when he must have finished paying and we can see the mercy that brought about purgatory. His mercy is beyond all our sins, let us do what he expects us to do. Be merciful as our Father is. Thanks.

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