Wednesday 3 July 2019

Friday 19th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Friday 19th week Year A
First Reading
Joshua 24:1-13
Matthew 19:3-12
If good things continue to come our ways, we forget sometimes that they come from God, we only enjoy it with ease. Sometimes some think it is because of their personal effort. If you continue to count God’s blessings on us, we will not do any other thing in life for it is numerous in our lives. The only problem is that we often forget to recognise them entirely. In the first reading, the Israelites seem they have forgotten how everything happened and God is recounting to them what he had done for them. They divorced him with their behaviour and God is today reminding them what he has done for them so far, he is trying to tell them not to divorce him.
Gospel presented us with the issue of divorce and as we know, God and church do not have divorce in their diaries. To show how serious it is, Jesus said, “What God has joined together, no one should put asunder”. For this reason, I will not stress marriage divorce but the divorce of God. If husbands and wives always count their good times and forget their bad times, they will never divorce each other but if they continue to count their wrong doings, they will crash.
Let us count God’s blessings in our lives and we will not divorce him again with our behaviour. It is because we are now insensitive to his blessings on us is the reason for leaving him for other things. Let us count our blessings and it will surprise us what the Lord has done for us. Thanks.

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