Wednesday 3 July 2019

Thursday 18th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Thursday 18th week Year A
First Reading
Numbers 20:1-13
Second Reading
Matthew 16:13-23
For many persons, God means different things or persons for them. For some, he is a provider, for some he is a fighter, for some he is a protector, for some he is a merciful God and so many notions of God by different people, nations, tribes, race and even religions.
For the Israelites in the first reading, he is a disappointing God. They were not happy with him for they thought they wanted him to take them home without any atom of suffering. They wanted to close their eyes and open them and see themselves in the Promised Land. If that had happened, they would not have appreciated the work of God in their lives, they would not have valued the whole show for it would have contradicted my dialectical adage Ihe ga atugu nee onu anugu aga (a good thing is always stressful or what did not stress you will not work). God has never disappointed anyone but the Israelites could not understand.
The gospel also is showing us different views of different persons about God (in Jesus). For some, one of the prophets, some Elijah, some Moses and so on. Peter gave a perfect answer which should not leave our lips everyday. We should always acclaim Jesus as the son of the living God. He is the Christ who has come to save us. If we take God as any other person or thing apart from the son of the living God, we maybe making serious mistake in our lives. The answer of Peter merited him the head of the apostles and the first Pope of the only church founded by Christ. If we allow the Holy Spirit to direct us as Peter did and answer like him, many favours will also follow as we saw in the gospel. Thanks.

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