Wednesday 3 July 2019

Friday 20th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Friday 20th week Year A
First Reading
Ruth 1:1.3-6. 14b-16.22
Matthew 22:34-40
Some of us do love people but that our love cannot save situations when the need arises. Some love people because of their different reasons and whenever anything should happen to that particular point of love, the love will go with that and the person will not make effort to see if that could be healed.
When we look at Orpah in the first reading, we can see the momentary love she had for her mother in-law. She was not ready to sacrifice anything for the love she hard on the family that married her. She saw the situation of Naomi and she left her to die in the agony of losing her two sons. She did not want to be a consolation to her. Her love could not save situation. In the other part, we can see that the love Ruth had saved the situation at hand. Had it been that Ruth also left, I do not think Naomi would have stayed alive more but she saw that and saved the situation.
In the gospel, Jesus stressed the importance of love. Love of God and love our fellow human being. Majorly, love of God is best expressed through the love of our neighbour and that is why Christ is telling us today that the second is just like the first, which means they are equal. Telling me that you love God and we do not see it in the life you live especially towards your neighbour, you are just lying for John himself recorded it. We cannot say that we love God that we do not see and hate people that we see (1 John 4:20). Any love that do not save situations should be watched and make necessary changes. Thanks.

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