Wednesday 3 July 2019

Wednesday 20th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Wednesday 20th week Year A
First Reading
Judges 9:6-15
Matthew 20:1-16a
The story in the first reading is very interesting for it touches what we experience these days in our world. Your own friend and relation will be pushing, praising, suggesting, persuading you to climb to a position knowing that that place will not favour you but he/she will flatter you and when you reach there, you will be disgraced and he/she will be happy. If you are making me your King in good fate, come and take shelter under me. If you are sure that this will favour me, why not two of us try it? Why not accompany me? Why not try it yourself? Sometimes these things are born out of envy. When the person sees that you are exceling, he/she will look for a way to pull you down. That is what we experience in this our world. Do you begrudge my generosity? That was the question the master asked his labourers at the end of the gospel. You have taken your due and nothing was taken away from your own, why are you not happy that your friend, neighbour, relation got the same good thing you have gotten. Shun envy and you shall live long and happy and at last make heaven. Thanks.

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