Wednesday 3 July 2019

Saturday 18th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Saturday 18th week Year A
First Reading
Deuteronomy 6:4-13
Second Reading
Matthew 17:14-20
Moses trying to show us how important God is in our lives, he is telling us to write the commandments of God around us, in everything we do or say. St. Ignatius of Loyola summarized the passage of the first reading in his notion of seeing God in everything (Not everything being God as pantheists will say). If we see God in everything, certainly we will not forget him and that is the summary of the first reading.
If we have faith in God, we certainly cannot forget the person we believe will do all things for us. The problem that the apostles encountered in the gospel was very little and unrecognizable compare to what we have these days. The joy in their own is that, they recognized they could not do it and asked necessary questions and they were directed properly. These days, people are no longer interested in asking necessary question, rather, they do it in their ways. People receive powers from anywhere now to do magic in the name of miracle and deceive people and this the apostles avoided. Those who are busying deceiving people in the name of God, do they still remember God? Some of us have forgotten our true God and are now doing as they like. A man told a seminarian that, he has lost faith in God and nothing will make him to get interested in that thing called God again. I told the seminarian that that person had no faith before. If he had a little faith, he would not have lost it. The apostles had faith but not as big as mustard seed and they did not leave rather they made effort to grow the faith. They never left God entirely rather, they were falling and rising like every other human being. Let us today like the apostles go closer to ask questions about our faith so that we will not lose it and will at the end forget God. Thanks.

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