Wednesday 3 July 2019

Saturday 19th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Saturday 19th week Year A
First Reading
Joshua 24:14-29
Matthew 19:13-15
We make many promises during our baptism that we have rejected devil and everything that has anything to do with him, but we will not stay long and we will throw away what we have learnt. If we trust God and church as children trust their parents, we will know that they believe that all their parents say are truths and they hold that very well.
In the first reading, the people of Israel made promise and covenant that they will forever serve God but as we all know their story, we can testify if that is the truth or not. They made promises and we also do on our baptism and after we will do otherwise.
Gospel is now an eye opener for us that we must trust God as children trust their parents and we will not leave the teaching we have received. It is because we do not trust our base and that is why we are running around from place to place looking for a god that will save us when we have the true saviour always with us and same happened to the people of Israel. If we develop childlike heart towards God, we will be rest assured of the kingdom for it is meant for those who have that. Thanks.

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