Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Monday 20th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Monday 20th week Year A
First Reading
Judges 2:11-19
Matthew 19:16-22
After observing what is happening in our world today, I sometimes think that our problems come from us. The type of evil we do is becoming alarming as if we do not know the law again. Sometime in 2007/2008, in my Parish, the parish vicar was doing first Friday adoration for us. It was all night program. People started using that avenue to act so stupid. After the adoration, Saturday morning when our mothers will keeping the church clean against Sunday, they will be discovering used condoms around the church compound. People started robbing those going for the adoration. I was once a victim of that. The parish vicar in one of the adorations said, anyone who is doing one of those things should stop or whatever the person sees, he/she should take. People continued doing that and he warned again and said, to avoid increase in mad people around here. The rate young men and women run man in our place is making me to think that it has connection with that thing. I may be very wrong but just citing example.
The story is just to bring home what happened in the first reading. After all that the Lord did for them, they still insisted on disobeying God and following other goods. Before now Joshua warned them that God is a jealous God and they are now today in the reading following Baal. The same may be found among us today. We still know the rule or laws, why are we not acting according to them.
In the gospel, the rich young man claimed he has been keeping those laws since his childhood. Fine and good. How can we show love without expressing it to those in need. Love is not only limited to your husband, wife, children, parents, boyfriend or girlfriend, it is extended to helping those who are in need of our help. So since we have known all we need to know about law or commandments of God we should act according to them and we shall be saved. Thanks.

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