Wednesday 3 July 2019

Friday of Week 17 Year A By Tobe Eze

Friday of Week 17 Year A
First Reading
Leviticus 23:1.4-11.15-16.27.34b-37
Matthew 13:54-58
The first reading has just given us what the Lord demanded of the people of Israel to do for him after their deliverance from the land of Egypt. Through Moses, he gave them these days to be kept Holy. In the gospel, again, Jesus came to his people in the synagogue which means on the Holy day. He taught them there, instead of taking his teaching, they took to analyzing his personality which they even did wrongly.
When the church has asked us to keep some days Holy for the Lord, we start to analyze it and be asking why the church should do that. I once told someone to stop opening his shop on Sunday, even if not for God, but for him to have a day of rest but more especially for God. He just told me that the highest he can do is to offer to the Lord that morning period of mass. The first reading is telling us not to do labourious work on days marked out for the Lord. Looking for reasons to accept it or not may make us not to receive miracles, blessings and other things from God as it appeared in the conclusion of the gospel. In the things of the Lord, reasons are suspended and faith is taken. Let us accept the teachings of the church about Holy days of obligation and do not ask like the people of Jesus’ own country. Okwanu ka afucha mere mgbo ji tuo enwe n’ isi. Thanks.

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