Wednesday 3 July 2019

Tuesday 19th week Year A By Tobe Eze

Tuesday 19th week Year A
First Reading
Deuteronomy 31:1-8
Second Reading
Matthew 18:1-5.10.12-14
The trend these days is people cursing their children with derogatory names. After everything, they will expect the child to be the best in the whole community. It is always necessary to wish people well no matter the situation.
In the first reading, Moses knew that he was not going to enter the Promised Land not because of his sins but the sins of the people of Israel but he accepted all and was wishing them well. He prayed for the Lord to be with them. It was not that he did not like to enter the Promised Land but he was denied that because of the people he was leading. Still after all, he wished them well. This is a serious lesson to us that we must not only wish those who are good to us well but also our enemies.
In the gospel, the same trend these days of who is the greatest appeared. They were asking of the greatest person in heaven not knowing that heaven is not like earth here we scramble for positions. We must learn to be humble like children. It is because we lack humility that we struggle for things and do not like to wish others well but we will like to have everything for ourselves.
Humility brings good wishes as in the first reading. So, let us learn the humility in the gospel like children and we shall be happy here on earth and hereafter in heaven. Thanks.

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